Physical Health and Wellness Initiative Clinic
May 20, 2023

Photo of partners at PHW event

The Physical Health and Wellness Initiative achieved a significant milestone as we hosted our second clinic in May. This initiative consists of amazing organizations that want to emphasize vital aspects of positive youth development, mentorship, and collaboration. We want to extend our thanks to all of our partners for joining us in this work: Mentor California, Positive Coaching Alliance, Jr. Kings, The City of Sacramento, Sacramento County Office of Education, The Center, and ASAPconnect!

With great enthusiasm, over 50 K-8th students, along with parents, coaches, mentors, and support staff, united for a day dedicated to intentional growth. The coaches engaged in a morning of purposeful training sessions, focusing on honing their technical skills and mentorship abilities, while the youth participated in an afternoon of skill-building activities and parents engaged in a candid conversation about supporting their community’s children.

This collaboration was intended to bring mentoring and coaching to the game of basketball to further develop the whole child’s health and wellness in local communities around Sacramento.