CAN Newsletter – Reflecting on the 2023 Site Coordinator Symposium
February 28, 2023
A few weeks ago, CAN had the pleasure of hosting the 2023 Site Coordinator Symposium! A huge thank you to our Partner Sponsors, Presenters, Participants, Volunteers, and Planning team who made it all possible! We offered a hybrid convening experience for 650+ Site Coordinators and Expanded Learning educators full of virtual and in-person learning opportunities, sharing of promising practices, community building, and tons of FUN! Our 6th annual Symposium included 40+ workshops, 4 Site Visits, 20+ Partner Sponsor Exhibitors, Networking events, and amazing Keynote Speakers! We kicked off with our California State Superintendent of Public Instruction, Tony Thurmond, and closed with an inspirational panel of Site Coordinators. Our convening spaces were full of EXL magic, love, and community.
In the words of Diego Arancibia in the Ode to the Site Coordinator, “To the Site Coordinator who, in reality, is the backbone of any program, any organization, and of this movement, to you I say, thank you!“
Thank YOU to our amazing community for an incredible week – we look forward to our next Site Coordinator Symposium in Fresno CA, in February 2024! Details coming soon!
Lastly, in our newsletter last month, we invited you to join us in journaling to promote your self-care. Below are a few prompts to consider from the blog, The Open Door Principal:
- Why did I become an educator/helper/healer?
- How has my vision of being an educator changed over time?
- What are three words or phrases that describe my professional philosophy?
- What are the small victories I’ve experienced this week?
- To take care of myself and “turn off work,” I’m going to…
In gratitude and celebration,
The CAN Team
In This Newsletter:
ELO-P Updates, Budget News, LAO Recommendations, & FAQ’s
Fireside Chat: February 9, 2023
Join us for our 50th Fireside Chat!
In this chat, Heather Williams from the California AfterSchool Network is joined by Michael Funk and Sterling Williams of the Expanded Learning Division of the California Department of Education (EXLD). In this chat Michael, Sterling, and Heather discuss the latest updates on ELO-P!
Updated ELO-P FAQs Are Here!
The California Department of
Education, Expanded Learning Division, is excited to share that
the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for the
Expanded Learning Opportunities Program have been updated. This
section has been updated to reflect the guidance of Assembly Bill
185 and address several pertinent program concerns.
California’s Governor Proposed Budget for 2023-24
Every January the California budget process is kicked into high gear when the Governor announces his proposed budget for the upcoming fiscal year. The budget for 2023-24 was announced on Tuesday, January 10. This budget includes high-level details for proposed spending with additional details to be sorted out in the coming months.
California Love: The State of MENTORing in California
Call for Responses
MENTOR California is producing a state of mentoring report to be released in 2024 which will be a comprehensive storytelling of the amazing work happening across the state.
They want to hear from YOU! Share how your organization shows love through mentoring.
How California schools are making the most of new increased state investments
Summer learning programs are more important than ever, as schools combat the ongoing negative impacts of school closures and pandemic trauma on students’ academic progress and social-emotional skills. California leaders have stepped up for students and families with a sense of urgency with a $4 billion investment in the Expanded Learning Opportunities Program (ELO-P).
This new report from the Partnership for Children & Youth provides an analysis of summer trends in the first full year of ELO-P implementation. The findings and recommendations apply to districts and state leaders focused on both summer and year-round programming. It is based on interviews with school districts and community providers on the front line of implementation, as well as statewide data.
Register for the California Afterschool & Summer Challenge!
Tuesday, March 14, 2023; 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM PST
Register for CalSAC’s 19th annual California Afterschool & Summer Challenge! This year’s Challenge will be in-person in Sacramento, California!
The Challenge connects, educates and empowers professionals, youth, and families to engage in grassroots advocacy.
The Challenge is also looking for Team Leaders. If you are interested in leading a team in legislative visits, learn more on their website.
Girls Inc. of Alameda County Program Leader Apprenticeship Program
Girls Inc. of Alameda County in partnership with Berkeley City College, Partnership for Children and Youth, and the California AfterSchool Network is launching their Expanded Learning Leader Apprenticeship!
Why apprenticeships?
High-quality expanded learning programs are directly linked to high-quality staff, but workforce recruitment and retention is a huge barrier to fulfilling the promise of expanded learning programs. Creating intentional pathways, such as apprenticeship programs, provides a clear strategy to address these challenges by combining on-the-job work experience with training and coursework, wage increases, and wraparound supports.
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- Get informed about the Million Girl Moonshot project and access other STEAM resources.
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