Expanded Learning in CA
State or Federally Funded Expanded Learning Programs
Expanded Learning is a term used for California programs that are funded by the state and federal government. These programs operate in title one schools (schools that have 40% or more of the schools population on free or reduced lunch) and have a minimum number of hours they must operate depending on the type of program (before school, after school, summer, intersession, etc.). These programs are exempt from the Title V regulations by statute. There are three types of publicly funded expanded learning programs:
Expanded Learning Programs Interactive Web Map
CAN has been working with our partners at the UC Davis Center for Regional Change (CRC) to build out an interactive web map. This application maps variables describing student and community health and need, which are summarized by various regions (including the 11 CCSESA regions and Legislative Districts) and overlaid with the locations of Expanded Learning Programs.
2019 Real Time Attendance Trackers Now Available!
2019 Real Time Attendance Trackers developed by ASAPConnect is a fantastic, easy to use tool to help track attendance for ASES and 21st CCLC Grantees. The Real Time Attendance Tracker is a tool that helps Expanded Learning site level staff members assess their attendance in real time. While there are many tools that measure quarterly, monthly and even weekly attendance, this easy-to-use tool can help a site level staff person answer, “What is my attendance today at my site?” By having this current data, site level staff are more easily able to