COVID-19 Guidance from CDE Expanded Learning Division
As of March 1, 2021
Recent guidance from the California Department of Education Expanded Learning Division (EXLD) has
- ensured grants remain intact,
- programs will receive attendance relief for closures related to COVID-19,
- grant reductions have been suspended, and
- hourly employees and classified staff can continue to be paid.
More specific details are outlined in the below links:
- Suspended 2021-22 Audits (March 1, 2021)
- Extended Timelines for the Kids Code Pilot Grant Program
- Update to Reporting Attendance for FY20-21 (February 2, 2021)
- Expanded Learning Guidance on License Exempt Waivers (October 20, 2020)
- Expanded Learning Guidance on Senate Bill 98 (SB 820) (October 9, 2020)
- EXLD Guidance - COVID-19 Frequently Asked Questions 2020-21 (Aug 5, 2020)
- EXLD Guidance on Senate Bill 98 (July 20, 2020)
- Executive Order Extended Until June 30, 2020 (June 8, 2020)
- ASES Kids Code FAQ’s (June 1, 2020)
- Guidance on the Role of Expanded Learning Programs During the COVID-19 Crisis (April 30, 2020)
- EXLD Guidance – Extending Expanded Learning Grants and Attendance and Expenditure Reporting (April 27, 2020)
- EXLD Executive Guidance Order Memo (April 10, 2020)
- Executive Order Provides Flexibility to ASES and 21st CCLC Programs and Expands Access to Child Care for Essential Workers (April 4, 2020)
- EXLD Update on Grant Protection and Paying Program Staff and Partners (March 27, 2020)
The Expanded Learning Division continues to work on providing additional guidance related to expanded learning program grants. If you have any questions, please contact
Virtual Fireside Chats
The California AfterSchool Network hosts interviews with Michael Funk, Division Director for the California Department of Education Expanded Learning Division, to better help the field navigate the current state of Expanded Learning, including what guidance means for your programs. These chats include policy updates as well as interviews with partners elevating current topics and promising practices.
This section includes the Fireside Chat’s from April 2020 through April 2021. Access the full set of Fireside Chats.
Fireside Chats:
- Policy Updates on Program Flexibility & AB86 (April 2, 2021)
- Interview with Monterey Peninsula Unified School District (March 11, 2021)
- Elk Grove USD & Updates on AB86, Audits, Waivers, and Flexibility (March 5, 2021)
- SB 86 Update & Summer Planning with Oxnard (February 19, 2021)
- Grant Extensions & Other Key Updates (February 8, 2021)
- First Chat of 2021: Urgent Budget and Legislation Updates (January 28, 2021)
- Final Chat of 2020: Looking Back in Service of Looking Forward (December 14, 2020)
- Update on Waivers and Interview with BACR (November 16, 2020)
- Update on SB820, DSS Waivers, and Interview with BGCGG (September 23, 2020)
- Interview with Fontana USD – Serving Students In-Person (September 8, 2020)
- Update on CDSS, CDPH Guidance, Interview with OUSD (August 27, 2020)
- Update on CDE EXLD FAQs & Interview with Woodcraft Rangers (August 10, 2020)
- Update on Recent Governor Guidance & Interview with EDMO on Virtual Learning (July 23, 2020)
- Expanded Learning This Fall – Interview with Sacramento Partners (July 14, 2020)
- Update: CA Budget Protects Afterschool (June 30, 2020)
- Updates on the CA Budget, the Executive Order Extension, and Reopening of Schools (June 16, 2020)
- Interview with Think Together On Black Lives Matter and Expanded Learning as Social Justice Work (June 2, 2020)
- Interview with Sweetwater Union High School District (May 27, 2020)
- Interview with CA3 on the Governor’s Proposed Budget (May 21, 2020)
- Update on Expanded Learning Services Offered During COVID-19 (May 13, 2020)
- Interview with Healdsburg USD & Healdsburg Community Services Dept (May 6, 2020)
- Interview with Marcus Strother & Malik Ibarra from SCUSD (April 29, 2020)
- Update on Expanded Learning Grant Extensions (April 27, 2020)
- Interview with Teresa Ayon from Anaheim Family YMCA (April 23, 2020)
- Update on Governor’s Executive Order and EXLD Guidance Memo (April 13, 2020)
- Update on EXLD Guidance on Grant Protection and Paying Program Staff and Partners (April 1, 2020)
If you are interested in developing your own virtual fireside chats check out our post: Communicating During Crisis – Video “Fireside Chats”
Other Afterschool & Out of School Time Resources
- San Diego Expanded Learning Consortium: A Response to Meeting Student Needs During COVID-19 School Closures
- Afterschool Alliance - How Afterschool is Supporting Learning and Recovery During COVID-19 (July 2020)
- Afterschool Alliance – COVID-19: Considerations for the Afterschool Field
- BellExcel & The Sperling Center for Research and Innovation - Remote Quality Reflection Tool
- BOOST Cafe Resource Center
- CalSAC - Resources including Emergency Funding Opportunities & Virtual Learning
- Mizzen by Mott – App for Afterschool Professionals
- Education Drive - After-school providers pivot to provide online activities, meals and diapers amid pandemic
- Education Week - Coronavirus Upends After-School World
- Every Hour Counts - COVID-19 Resources from Every Hour Counts
- Forum for Youth Investment - What Happens When Out-of-School Time is All the Time?
- Learning in Afterschool & Summer – Afterschool Program Changes Due to COVID-19 Report
- Voices for Healthy Kids - Coronavirus (COVID-19) Resources
Childcare & Early Learning Resources
- California Department of Education, Early Learning and Care Division (ELCD) – COVID-19 Guidance & Resources
- CA ELCD – Publications & Resources
- California Department of Social Services, Child Care Licensing – COVID-19 Resources
- California Alternative Payment Program Association (CAPPA) – COVID 19 Resource Page
- California Early Childhood Online (CECO) - Health and Safety: Resources and Guidance for Caring for Children
- Center on the Developing Child, Harvard University - A Guide to COVID-19 and Early Childhood Development
- US Office of Child Care – Recorded Webinar: Discussion With CDC Regarding Guidance for Child Care Programs That Remain Open
- US Office of Child Care - Information about COVID-19 for CCDF Lead Agencies: Relevant Flexibilities in CCDF Law
Employment Resources
During this time, the CDE Expanded Learning Division (EXLD) is encouraging all Expanded Learning grantees to work locally with hourly and classified staff, partner agencies, and community-based organizations to negotiate financial relief to support the individuals affected.
National/Federal Resources
- Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) – Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)
- CDC – Coronavirus Resources for K-12 Schools and Childcare Programs
- CDC – Steps to Prevent Illness
- CDC – Resources for Home
- U.S. Department of Education – COVID-19 (“Coronavirus”) Information and Resources for Schools and School Personnel
Resources for Non-Profits & Small Businesses
COVID-19 Response Funds
Communicating During Crisis – Video “Fireside Chats”
This last week the California AfterSchool Network partnered with Michael Funk, Director of the Expanded Learning Division at the CA Department of Education (EXLD) to release a video interview or a video ”fireside chat” on COVID-19.
This video came together in less than 24 hours but has proven to be thus far one of the most effective communications we have put out on COVID-19. On a call last Tuesday afternoon, some of the group talked about a shift in messaging we are seeing across the country – emphasizing the personal versus the institutional. At the same time, we (CAN and EXLD) were experiencing frustration and stress about not being able to get enough information out as quickly as people need it. A few phone calls and brainstorms later that afternoon we decided a weekly video message with Michael might be a great way to fill the gap. Less than 24 hours later we were producing, posting, and widely distributing our first video.
We took very little time to prep for this initial video and so for future videos we know there are some changes we can make and some elements we can add in, including bringing other folks from the field in to participate in these chats and also share their story from a more local perspective.
With that, we wanted to share some tips and ideas based on our initial experience.