83% of Voters Oppose Trump’s Proposal to Cut After School


President Trump’s proposed budget calls for the elimination of 21st Century Community Learning Center funding, claiming the program lacks evidence of results despite overwhelming research to the contrary. If enacted by Congress, the President’s budget would eliminate the 21st Century Community Learning Centers program, the single largest source of funding for afterschool and summer programs that enroll 1.6 million students across rural, urban and suburban communities in all 50 states. These cuts would mean a loss of funding for over 700 of California’s expanded learning program sites including almost 300 high school ASSETs program sites, and would reduce the ability to provide summer learning programs. A recent poll from Quinnipiac University (see question 65) found that 83% of voters oppose Presiden’t Trump proposed cut to afterschool funding, including 63% of Republican voters and 97% of Democratic voters.