AB 104 (& CA Budget) Planning Tool
CA Update: January 2021
The Region 11/LACOE (Los Angeles County Office of Education) Expanded Learning Team has created an AB104 Planning Tool to support Expanded Learning program providers to begin having conversations internally and externally, as well as to help leaders get a seat at the table with their local LEA to discuss AB104 Supplemental Instruction and Services Support.
We share this planning tool knowing that the Assembly Bill language and Trailer Bill language are not final but hope you will find the tool useful to get started with planning now, and not wait, as we all know this is going to come at us very quickly.
The planning tool is designed to help Expanded Learning Programs meet the vision of AB104 while showcasing to LEAs how and what we do best: providing quality expanded learning opportunities to K-12 students in summer and throughout the year, while supporting families, in partnership/collaboration with districts, charters, and schools throughout California.
Highlights of this four-page document include:
- Developed in response to AB104 and its effort to address student learning loss during the COVID-19 pandemic.
The purpose of this resource is to
provide Expanded Learning Programs:
- An understanding of AB104
- A strategy to advocate for potential partnerships with an LEA
- A list of recommended topics and questions to consider prior to and during conversations with the LEA
Sections included:
- Purpose of the Tool; AB104 Link and Breakdown (Page 1)
- AB104 Key Points for Expanded Learning Programs (Page 2)
- Topics/Questions for Expanded Learning Programs to consider prior to meeting with an LEA (Page 3)
- Topics/Questions for Expanded Learning Programs to consider when collaborating with the LEA (Page 4)