Afterschool For All Challenge
June 10-11, 2024

Afterschool For All Challenge

We’re going to Washington, DC, for the 2024 Afterschool For All Challenge!

Next week, some of the CAN team will be on Capitol Hill (in Washington, D.C., where Congress meets) to advocate for afterschool opportunities for youth across the country!

After a few-year hiatus due to COVID, the Afterschool Alliance has brought back the in-person National Afterschool For All Challenge this year. This advocacy event was created to gain support for afterschool and summer programs by increasing funding for  21st Century Community Learning Centers (21st CCLC) and the Child Care Development Fund (CCDF) within Congress. At CAN, we believe ALL youth deserve an opportunity to participate in a high-quality afterschool program, no matter your age or geographic location. It’s also important to note that older youth afterschool programs in California are primarily funded by federal 21st Century Community Learning Centers (CCLC) funding. This means we must also advocate at the federal level!

How can you get involved without going to D.C.?

Check out the Afterschool Alliance video, which also shares federal updates. 

You can email or call your Member of Congress.

Review the Digital Action Toolkit.