ASES Kids Code Grant Pilot Program Appeals
Applicants that wish to appeal a disqualification or an Intent to Award decision, must submit a Letter of Appeal to the CDE. Appeals are limited to the grounds that the CDE failed to correctly apply the standards for reviewing the applications as specified in this Request for Applications. The appellant must file a full and complete written appeal, including the issue(s) in dispute, the legal authority or other basis for the appeal position, and the remedy sought. The appeal letter must have an original local educational agency’s authorized signature.
Appeals to disqualifications––The CDE must receive the Letter of Appeal within 10 calendar days of the date of the email disqualification notification.
Appeals to the Intent to Award posting–– The CDE must receive the Letter of Appeal within 10 calendar days from the e-mail notification of the funding results. The Intent to Award can be found on the CDE ASES Kids Code Funding Results web page
Hand-delivered appeal letters must be received at the CDE by 5 p.m. on the required date. Mailed appeal letters must be postmarked on or before the required date and mailed to:
ASES Kids Code Grant Pilot Program Appeals
Expanded Learning Division
California Department of Education
1430 N Street, Suite 3400
Sacramento, CA 95814-5901
A final decision regarding the appeal will be made within 30 days of the receipt of the appeal by the CDE. The final decision will be mailed to the appellant and shall be the final administrative action afforded to the appeal.