California’s Governor Proposed Budget for 2024-25
$4 Billion for ELO-P Still In Tact

Governor Newsom's budget proposal slide which says $4 Billion ongoing funding for before and after school and summer school.

Every January, the California budget process is kicked into high gear when the Governor announces his proposed budget for the upcoming fiscal year. The budget for 2024-25 was announced on Wednesday, January 10. This budget includes high-level details for proposed spending, with additional details to be sorted out in the coming months. Access the budget summary, the K-12 education summary, and the K-12 budget detail.

Governor Newsom made it clear that his budget would maintain strong support for schools: 

“I’m going to give you some highlights. Before and after-school was a promotion, a promise, discussed, people identified with that issue, no one has advanced it like we were able to advance it in the last few years working with the legislature. Before and after-school, reimagining the school day, the school year, looking at TK.”


The Budget and ELO-P

Funding for the Expanded Learning Opportunities Program (ELO-P) is proposed to stay level at $4 billion.

This proposed level funding would provide stability for the implementation of ELO-P within school districts/Local Education Agencies (LEAs) and the investment in Technical Assistance through support to the County Offices of Education within the System of Support for Expanded Learning.

Other Expanded Learning Budget Updates

The After School Education and Safety (ASES) program is also proposed to maintain level funding with a $10.18 daily reimbursement rate.

The 21st Century Community Learning Centers (CCLC) program, including both Elementary/Middle and High School (ASSETs) funding, is also expected to sustain the current daily reimbursement rates. 

Next Steps in the Budget Process

Budget subcommittees will hold overview hearings, and then in May, the governor will release the revised state budget (also known as the May Revise). By June 15, the legislature must pass a balanced budget that then goes to the Governor for signature.  The budget is accompanied by Budget Trailer Bills that will provide details for the implementation of the budget. Access resources to learn more about the budget process.


Stay tuned for additional details on the budget and advocacy opportunities!