California Policy Updates


Policy Updates

This page includes California policy updates impacting Expanded Learning programs. It includes legislative and budget updates as well as other policy updates from the California Department of Education, California Governor’s Office, and other state entities.

Policy Newsletter

The End of the Legislative Season + Light’s On!
September 17, 2024

students artwork showing a lightbulb in the middle of the poster to signify keeping the Lights On Afterschool.We are at the end of the legislative season! The bills that passed the legislature are now awaiting the governor’s decision. The deadline for the governor to sign or veto them is September 30th.

Due to it being an election year, the legislative season ends early, giving legislators time to work on their campaigns for election or reelection.


Governor’s May Budget Revision Protects Expanded Learning Investments
May 2023

The California AfterSchool Network (CAN) commends the Governor for his dedication to transformative investments in public education in the May Revision, in particular the investments into Expanded Learning programs, despite California facing a significant budget deficit. At CAN we envision compassionate communities that collaborate with expanded learning/out-of-school time (OST) programs to support whole children, families, and communities so that every young person and every family is well-known, well-cared for, and prepared to thrive.


California’s Governor Proposed Budget for 2023-24
May Revision

Image of Governor Newsom's press conference presentation talking about transforming public education investments

May Revision Budget Process

The May Revision budget process is crucial for California’s fiscal planning and governance and aims to maintain a balanced and equitable budget. It allows for adjustments based on updated economic conditions and revenue projections. The process involves reviewing the initial budget proposal and considering the latest economic data and revenue forecasts. It helps policymakers assess the state’s financial health, address emerging priorities, and allocate resources wisely.


California’s Governor Proposed Budget for 2023-24

Governor Newsom's budget proposal slide which says $4 Billion ongoing funding for before and after school and summer school.

Every January the California budget process is kicked into high gear when the Governor announces his proposed budget for the upcoming fiscal year. The budget for 2023-24 was announced on Tuesday, January 10. This budget includes high-level details for proposed spending with additional details to be sorted out in the coming months.


New and Updated ELO-Program FAQs Posted!
May 10, 2022

CA Dept. of Education logo

The California Department of Education, Expanded Learning Division, is proud to announce the release of new and updated Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)!

This email is a notification that the Expanded Learning Opportunities Program now has a total of 26 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs). Some FAQs have been updated based on feedback from the field. Others are completely new and provide guidance on concepts such as “offer” and “provide access.” 


Extension Provided for ASES, 21st CCLC, & ASSETS FY 2021-22 Grants
May 4, 2022

CDE Logo

Due of the delay in the release of the grant award notifications because of applying the rate increase from the California American Rescue Plan Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ARP ESSER) funding, the California Department of Education (CDE), Expanded Learning Division (EXLD) extended the grant award notifications from a normal twelve month grant period to an eighteen month grant period ending on December 31, 2022. 

Clone of E-mail blast

CDE Update on Grant Reduction Suspension
January 21, 2022

CA Dept. of Education LogoThe Expanded Learning Division (EXLD) has received communications from the After School Education and Safety as well as 21st Century Community Learning Centers grantees across the state requesting the suspension of grant reductions for 2022 due to ongoing external circumstances. The EXLD has heard you and understands the challenges of COVID, workforce shortages, and the impact current circumstances are having on attendance resulting in the concern regarding future grant reductions.


Governor’s Proposed Budget for 2022-23
January 12, 2022

Image of Gov. Gavin Newsom standing at a podium during a news conference.Governor’s Proposal Has Billions in Education & Other Child Investments

On Monday, January 10, California Governor Newsom released his proposed budget for Fiscal Year (FY) 2022-23.

With unprecedented funding available for CA’s budget, there are again significant increases in the K-12 budget and other budgets that support California’s children and families.

A few highlights specifically for Expanded Learning include:


Take Action Today: Governor’s May Revise Budget
Sign On Letter Due Today by 1:00 PM

Take Action!

Budget decisions are moving quickly and that the Assembly and Senate Budget Subcommittees will be voting on education proposals on Tuesday, May 25.

The Governor’s budget proposal makes a historic commitment to grow afterschool and summer programs in the most under-resourced communities. However, action is needed to stabilize our existing expanded learning system with adequate daily rates, make sure we don’t leave out our middle and high school students, and ensure the engagement of community partners.


AB86 Information & Resources

California State Capitol Building

The California Legislature provided $6.6 billion in the Assembly Bill 86 COVID-19 relief package, including $2 billion for In-Person Instruction (IPI) Grants and $4.6 billion for Expanded Learning Opportunities (ELO) Grants. Governor Newsom signed AB 86 on March 5, 2021.

There is no application required to receive AB 86 funding. In May 2021, eligible entities will receive an apportionment that represents 50 percent of their allocation for both the IPI and ELO Grants. In August 2021, eligible entities will receive the remaining 50 percent of their allocation, less any reduction or forfeiture of IPI Grants described below.

Below are some key resources to learn more about the AB86 ELO Grants:


SB 638 (Torlakson)

On 09/21/2006 Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger signed SB 638 releasing $550 million for the state’s After School Education and Safety (ASES) program. This new legislation allows for easier access to Proposition 49 funds and raises the daily per child rate from $5 to $7.50, raises grant caps, allows for direct grants instead of reimbursement system, and reduces the 50 percent grant match to 33.3 percent.


AB 1685
Increases Before School Daily Rate and Expands Range of Providers

On June 28, 2007 Governor Schwarzenegger signed AB 1685 into law. The bill amended last year’s after-school bill SB638 by allowing current before school grant awards to be increased commensurate with the daily rate increases previously authorized by SB638 for ASES (After School and Education and Safety) funded programs. The bill also expands the range of providers that can report on program outcomes for ASES grantees by changing the word “after school teacher” to “after school staff.”