Camp EDMO – Region 4
What did you do?
We created an online learning platform using a 100% equity design
focus. Families can access high-quality STEAM & SEL programs
using a smart phone or Chromebook. Our Honor Code Pricing system
relies on human honesty and provides instant financial aid to
families in need.
What advice do you have for others in the field that
would like to do something similar?
You can do it. You can create a virtual camp experience where
kids authentically connect with staff, build real relationships
caring adults and other students. You can recreate a camp culture
online. We’re doing it right now. It works. We built our platform
on Zoom and there are several features that allow you to create
that feeling of camp. Explore using the “Breakout Rooms” function
in particular. It also allows us to do a super secure triple
authentication sign in process.
What are some of the impacts you are seeing?
We’re already seeing parents enroll in multiple sessions per day
over the course fof weeks. As such, our staff is getting to know
the kids. We can tell if they’re having a good day or a bad day.
We can “pull kids aside” using a breakout room and help them work
through their feelings. We’ve even designed an Empower Hour
curriculum that is solely focused around a child’s emotional
well-being instead of a tech or maker project. Something else we
are seeing is the people are KIND. Each week, 75%-80% of families
are paying the “full price” of $15/hour. The other 25%-30% are
using Honor Codes that take off 50% or 80% off their total. Our
average revenue per hour, however, is much higher than you would
expect – it’s $14/hour! That’s because people are donating on top
of their rate to support families who are using codes. That’s
been an incredible surprise. The other thing we are finding is
that we’re spreading. In just 4 weeks of running our online
programs, we’ve already had kids log in from Georgia,
Connecticut, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, and North
Caroliina. It’s all been word of mouth from families trying the