CDE-EXLD DASH Recognition Program

CDE-EXLD DASH Recognition Program

The California Department of Education – Expanded Learning Division  is proud to announce the release of the Distinguished After School Health (DASH) recognition program for expanded learning programs in California.  DASH is in it’s 2nd year and recognizes expanded learning programs that are meeting exemplary health education, nutrition, and activity standards. This recognition is based on SB 949 (Jackson) with the support of the State Superintendent of Public Education, Tom Torlakson. Successful candidates will receive a certificate of recognition (valid for two years), and the program’s name will be posted on the ASD website. Applications are due May 15, 2017. Learn more at the ASD After School Education and Safety or 21st Century Community Learning Centers pages or watch the video tutorial from our very own NuPA co-chair, Bruno Marchesi.