Deadline This Friday for Organizations to Sign-On To Protect 21st CCLC Funding
The U.S. Senate recently passed Legislation (S. 1177) to reauthorize the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) commonly referred to as No Child Left Behind (NCLB). The Senate bill preserves dedicated funding for the 21st Century Community Learning Centers (21st CCLC) program. The U.S. House of Representatives recently passed HR 5, the Student Success Act. The House version of ESEA reauthorization would eliminate the 21st CCLC program in favor of a block grant to states that could be used for a variety of purposes. Next, the House and Senate will work through conference committee to put forward a final version of ESEA reauthorization.
The Afterschool Alliance, the National Center for Time and Learning, Boys and Girls Clubs of America, YMCA of the USA and Citizen Schools are inviting organizations (not individuals at this time) to sign on to a letter (attached) asking House and Senate education committee leadership to include the 21st CCLC program in the final ESEA reauthorization legislation. To add your organization to the letter, please email the name of your group (and city/state for local or statewide organizations) to The deadline to sign on has been extended to Friday September 4th.