Expanded Learning Opportunities Program (ELO-P) FAQs
Updated FAQs - May 2024

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The Expanded Learning Division (EXLD) recently announced the ELO-P Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) have been revised.

Access Updated FAQs:

  • FAQ #27:  Includes the September 30th deadline for submitting the expenditure report
  • FAQ #28:  Adds “unencumbered” language to align with EdCode
  • FAQ #29: Adds a description of how and when ELO-P penalties will be applied
  • FAQ #31: Adds a link to the Penalty Calculator
  • FAQ #30 (NEW): Explains that an LEA will not be penalized if they are unable to operate program due to an emergency closure
  • FAQ #41 (NEW): Explains that an LEA cannot count morning ELO-P attendance towards an ASES after school program