Funding Opportunity: Opioid Use Disorder Prevention and Education in Communities of Color
Applications due: October 31, 2019
The Center at Sierra Health Foundation has released a request for applications to fund Opioid Use Disorder Prevention and Education in Communities of Color. This funding opportunity aims to increase community understanding of substance use disorder (SUD), with a specific focus on opioid use disorder (OUD), and to create tangible links to MAT services and providers in communities throughout California.
This funding opportunity will support prevention, outreach and education efforts and materials focused on three outcomes: 1. increased community understanding of SUD and OUD, 2. reduced community and individual stigma through increased recognition of the chronic nature of the disease of addiction, and 3. increased knowledge of MAT, including where and how to access services.
This funding opportunity is focused on communities of color and vulnerable populations that are disproportionately impacted by OUD and criminalization of SUD, and that often have less access to treatment and information about OUD and SUD supports. These include Native American, African American, Asian-Pacific Islander, and Latino communities.
Request for Applications Review Webinar
We will hold a webinar to review the request for applications. Participation on the webinar is not required, but is strongly encouraged.
Friday, October 18
11 a.m. to 1 p.m.
online now!
If you are not able to participate on the webinar, audio and video recordings are available on the MAT Access Points web site.