Implement Quality STEM Learning Opportunities with Free CAN Resources


CAN has created a suite of resources to support continuous quality improvement in STEM learning. Use Expanded Learning STEM Quality Elements to create a shared understanding of how implementing quality STEM learning supports expanded learning K-12 standards and Quality Standards for Expanded Learning. Use the Assessment and Planning Tool for STEM in Expanded Learning Programs to create a shared plan for STEM implementation. Learn promising practices from A Guide to Developing Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math in Expanded Learning Programs. Access a wide variety of curricular and other resources to support STEM learning at the And accelerate innovation through peer learning using the Practical Guide for Developing Regional Communities of Practice. Additionally, the CAN STEM Committee created Collaborate to Innovate, a document intended to support K-12 and expanded learning program partnerships to implement STEM learning. Access the full suite of resources to support STEM learning.