KIPP SoCal Public Schools After School Program – Region 11


Check out the KIPP Instagram account!

What did you do?
My team of Coordinators and I brainstormed during the first week of closures how to still support our students and we immediately thought about continuing our enrichment programs through videos, then thought about what was the best and safest way to do this… we decided to go with google classrooms. The first week, we had about 20 + enrichment videos recorded! We are now at over 150 enrichment videos available for all students! We also decided that it would be a good idea to extend the virtual program to all students during this time! Our Team is also providing a weekly fun assignment for their students, doing student check-ins weekly and are available a 2-3 hours a day to help families with homework support. We have a full plan and trackers that has helped us stay on track!

Why did you do it?
I have a passion for After School, have been in this field for about 10 years now and I know I would be a student that wouldn’t have the resources or support at home. Students could easily go to youtube to see tutorials but it makes a big difference for students to see their teachers in these videos and feel more invested and excited to participate! Our staff knows what our students want to learn so it makes a HUGE difference! Our team cares so much about our students and we want to be in alignment to our schools.

How did you get there? What was the process to put the support/activities into place?
A lot of zoom meetings, brainstorming with Coordinators, learning how to use google classroom, how to record videos, creating guides for EVERYTHING and ANYTHING (we know that not all of our staff is tech-savvy so we have been creating guides that walk them through the virtual learning concept) We ensured that staff without access to a personal computer, checked one out before they left on 3/13 before closing to ensure they could stay connected. Every Coordinator has frequent check-ins with the Instructors and supports them through all the new processes we have implemented. We also had our staff take supplies home and have been sending supplies to their homes to film their enrichments. It has been challenging but its a work in progress.