Learning in Afterschool: Social Emotional Learning Resources
Check out these more recent blogs from LIAS!
- Practice Q&A: Finding Staff for Rural Programs
- Using Play to Build a Positive Community: An Interview with Playworks ED, Robert Sindelar
- Youth Voice and Self-Expression in Afterschool: Journaling, Poetry and Spoken Word
- Issues of COVID-19, Distance Learning and Racial Equity: Conversations for Afterschool Providers
- Social Emotional Learning During COVID-19 With a Virtual Comfort Dog?
- Race in America: Finding the Gold Within
- Practice Q&A: Responding to the Special Needs of Youth
Check out the latest project from the one of the organizations that bring you LIAS, Temescal Associates, and The How Kids Learn Foundation: My Pal, Luke!
My Pal, Luke is designed to address many social emotional elements through his words and questions, including a check-in with kids. Luke also reads his favorite books and educates kids on how to make sense of current events and the COVID-19 pandemic. It can be easily embedded in distance learning efforts or used with in- person programming. Check out episode 1 here or follow the My Pal, Luke Instagram for updates.