Opt-Out Notification Regarding Mizzen by Mott
December 15, 2021

Mizzen by Mott

CAN Subscribers - It is important that you know that CAN deeply respects and will continue to protect the privacy of all our subscribers, our network, and our partners.

With this in mind, please be aware that CAN’s current content privacy policy is as follows: We will never share, sell, or rent our contact lists to anyone without your permission. Please note that CAN’s funders may ask for access to our contact lists. If such a request is made CAN will inform all subscribers at least fourteen (14) days ahead of time and will give each subscriber the opportunity to opt-out.

Having indicated this: please be aware that one of our primary funders, the Mott Foundation, has requested access to our CAN contact list which includes your email address. They have requested this information to share access to Mizzen by Mott, a new app built with and for afterschool professionals to provide free high-quality, engaging learning content to the afterschool field.

Because we will not share your information without permission, please consider this an official notice that:

  • we will be sharing our contact list with this primary funder and;
  • should you wish not to have your information shared, please click below to opt-out by or before Monday, January 4, 2021.