Policy Updates and Conversation with Vallejo Expanded Learning & Lead by Learning
Fireside Chat: May 30, 2024

Policy Updates and Conversation with Vallejo Expanded Learning & Lead by Learning

Join us for the 61st Fireside Chat!

 In this chat, Heather Williams from the California AfterSchool Network is joined by Michael Funk, Director of the Expanded Learning Division of the California Department of Education (EXLD). They provide updates on the Governor’s recently released May Revision of the budget for FY 24-25, and chat with Vallejo Expanded Learning and one of their partners Lead by Learning to learn more about their culture of supporting adult learners and building high-quality programs. Guests include:

  • Carol Lewis, Vallejo Expanded Learning Coordinator
  • Renee Collins, Vallejo Expanded Learning Assistant Manager
  • Edwardo Barragan, Vallejo Expanded Learning Site Coordinator
  • Malia Taybas-Kim, Director of Programs, Lead by Learning



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