Promising Practices and PD Opportunities
Check out the latest promising practices and PD opportunities MGM has to share this month:
Article: Incorporating the Stories of Women, People of Color, and LGBTQ+ Scientists Into the Physics Classroom
NSTA shares about the contributions of women, people of color, and other diverse scientists to the field of Physics. Includes a link to lesson plans for lesson plans that could be adapted for K9-12.
Role Model Profile Video: Dr. Victoria Hermann
These assets feature IF/THEN Ambassador and climate scientist, Dr. Victoria Herrmann.
Article: Becoming Visible: STEM Role Models & Mentors for Disabled Students
A post highlighting the importance of having STEM role models for disabled students.
Role Model Profile: STEM is for Everyone!
Profile of scientists with disabilities.
Podcast: Modern Figures Podcast
Highlights Black women in computing.
Role Model Video: #SheCanSTEM
Video featuring IF/THEN Ambassador and carnivore ecologist, Dr. Rae Wynn-Grant
Posters: This is what a scientist looks like
Posters of IF/THEN Ambassador and nuclear engineer, Dr. Rae Wynn-Grant. This poster can be used in your physical paces to highlight an inspiring role model in nuclear engineering.