Special Report: STEM Learning in Afterschool on the Rise!
August 2021
The Afterschool
Alliance, recently released an America After
3PM Special Report, “STEM
Learning in Afterschool on the Rise, But Barriers and Inequities
Exist.” This report finds that afterschool programs
throughout the country, are offering more STEM learning
opportunities, but inequities exist and too many young people are
missing out.
Top takeaways from the National STEM report include:
- Opportunities for STEM learning in afterschool programs have increased.
- Parents value STEM learning in afterschool and summer programs.
- Afterschool programs reach populations traditionally underrepresented in STEM.
- Too many children are missing out.
- Parents support public funding for afterschool and summer programs.
California Afterschool and STEM
California remains one of the top 10 states for afterschool! According to the CA STEM News Release, in total, 913,908 California students are getting STEM learning opportunities in their afterschool programs. Additionally, according to the America After 3PM report, parents recognize the value of STEM learning in afterschool and summer programs, with data showing an increase from 2014 to 2020.
“Our programs here in California have been doing heroic work during the pandemic, helping students who have suffered more than a year of isolation, learning loss, and trauma,” said Jeff Davis, Executive Director of the California AfterSchool Network. “Many programs provided STEM learning before and during the pandemic. We are pleased to see that a growing number of parents recognize the importance of STEM learning in afterschool. But we know there is more work to do. We are determined to find ways to increase resources and engage new partners so that all California families have the afterschool programs they need and all children and youth get STEM in their afterschool programs. We are particularly proud of our partnership with STEM Next and the Million Girls Moonshot, which is inspiring and preparing the next generation of innovators by engaging one million more girls nationwide in STEM learning opportunities through afterschool and summer programs over the next five years.”
We have listed additional California resources you definitely want to check out!
- Download the CA STEM Fact Sheet
- Access the CA STEM News Release
- CA Fact Sheet
- Data Dashboard - Explore more state and nationwide data.
- STEM Infographics - Access a visual illustration that takes you through key findings from the report.
- Access Communications Materials on Afterschool Alliance’s new study, as well as resources to help share data with your networks.
America After 3PM - STEM Learning on the Rise Webinar & Resources
- Watch the Webinar!
- Jodi Grant, Executive Director, Afterschool Alliance
- Gemma Lenowitz, Program Officer, Overdeck Family Foundation
- Zelda Quiller Waymer, President & CEO, South Carolina Afterschool Alliance
- Nikole Collins-Puri, CEO, Techbridge Girls
- Shannon Christian, Executive Director, Worland Youth Learning Center, Wyoming
- Resources
For any questions about the report, please contact Afterschool Alliance’s Director of STEM Initiatives, Chris Neitzey, at cneitzey@afterschoolalliance.org.