STEAM Newsletter – Systems A Go for Fall!
September 21, 2021


Welcome to the September installment of CAN’s STEAM Newsletter! This month Million Girls Moonshot is focusing on tools and resources for Networks, programs, and partners to relaunch the Moonshot and plan for capacity-building events for programs and families this fall! 

As programs head back to in-person programming, Million Girls Moonshot, in partnership with STEM Next is continuing to emphasize its four transformative practices:

  • Equity and Inclusion
  • Engineering Mindset
  • Role Models, Mentors and Families
  • STEM Transitions and Pathways

Additional MGM and STEAM-related Resources:

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Grandparent and grandson working together on a project

Transformative Practices: Equity and Inclusion

Equity and Inclusion is one of the four transformative practices that Million Girls Moonshot aims to highlight each month. Explore these resources to add to your classroom:

Broadening Perspectives in Broadening Participation in STEM toolkit, developed by CAISE

To help informal STEM education and science communication groups reflect on and strengthen their efforts to broaden participation in STEM, CAISE’s Broadening Participation in STEM Task Force has developed a suite of professional development tools. Use these resources, including the toolkit, to plan and lead reflective discussions about current practices, with an eye to developing goals, strategies, and priorities that can make your ISE and science communication work more inclusive.


STEM Transitions, Handoffs, and Coordination

Toolkit: Brokering Youth Pathways: A Toolkit for Connecting Youth to Future Opportunity from the Hive Research Network

Brokering Youth Pathways was created to share tools and techniques around the youth development practice of “brokering” or connecting youth to future learning opportunities and resources. This toolkit shares ways in which various out-of-school educators and professionals have approached the challenge of brokering.


CAN partners with CDE Foundation on #CASTEAM21 Pre-Conference

#CASTEAM Back to School Pre Conference Flyer Highlighting Special Guests CAN was honored to partner with the California Department of Education’s Expanded Learning Division and the  the Californians Dedicated to Education Foundation to offer an expanded learning pre-conference of the CA STEAM Symposium focused specifically on Expanded Learning programs. We were pleased to promote a vision that Expanded Learning partnerships are essential in advancing high quality STEAM learning opportunities. CAN leaned in to its partnerships with the Million Girls Moonshot and the Expanded Learning STEAM Hubs to offer high-quality and relevant STEAM professional development.


SURVEY: Exploring the Relationship Between Continuous Improvement Culture and Afterschool STEM Program Quality

Afterschool site staff: you are invited to participate in pilot-testing a survey that will be administered in fall 2021, 2022, and 2023 to California afterschool programs. Grant managers, program directors, and site coordinators are also welcome to join in.

SRI Education is conducting a research study, CI-STEM, that is collecting large-scale data on continuous quality improvement practices and on STEAM afterschool programming. The survey results will show how continuous quality improvement and STEAM are handled statewide and will inform quality improvement in expanded learning programs. Pilot-testing the survey helps ensure that it uses accurate and clear language and is relevant to afterschool programs. Please consider helping with the survey pilot so that the results of the survey will be useful to you and your colleagues.


K12 Climate Action: Action Plan Virtual Launch Event
Tuesday, September 21, 2021; 1:00PM PST

The Aspen Institute’s K12 Climate Action Commission will release an action plan and policy recommendations to help the education sector take action on climate change on Tuesday, September 21st.

The action plan will describe key challenges and opportunities related to mitigating climate change by reducing schools’ environmental footprints, adapting and building resilience to climate impacts, as well as educating students on climate change and sustainability, with a focus on advancing equity. The plan will also outline policy recommendations for the federal, state, and local levels to help schools take climate action.

Register today!


Engineer for the Week!
Registration Deadline: Sunday, October 3, 2021

Afterschool Alliance has partnered with Facebook’s Engineer for the Week program! EFTW provides a high-quality, cost-free curriculum that helps students ages 11-18 develop computer science skills and explore engineering as they design a prototype to achieve positive social impact.

Registration is now open! To run a one-week EFTW project with your students, register by October 3, 2021. Facebook provides technical assistance for you to run the project anytime from October 4 to December 3, 2021. Because of Afterschool Alliance’s partnership with EFTW, programs who partner with them and complete an EFTW project will receive a stipend of $1,000.


The M in STEM: Making Mathematics Meaningful with the National Girls Collaborative Project
Tuesday, October 5, 2021; 11:00 AM PST

The National Girls Collaborative Project is hosting an upcoming webinar that will focus on engaging and supporting girls and young women in mathematics. Learn from an AAAS IF/THEN® Ambassador who uses mathematics to positively impact society and share best practices and resources to help make the M in STEM meaningful and accessible in afterschool.

Tuesday, October 5, 2021

11:00 AM PST

Technovation Logo

Introducing Artificial Intelligence Using Curiosity Machine
Thursday, October 14, 2021; 8:00 AM PST

Artificial intelligence can be fun, hands-on, and connected to real life, even for kids. In this training for educators of upper elementary or middle school students, Technovation will showcase their Curiosity Machine artificial intelligence lessons.

With these free lessons, help your students learn, play and create solutions to real-world problems with Al. Learn what Al is, how it works, and how your students can use it to solve a problem they care about through our 10-lesson challenge. This is a great program for educators with and without STEM backgrounds!

Students holding various school supplies

Activities for Programs

Check out these activities that Million Girls Moonshot is sharing this month:

Girl with drawn on space suit

Mizzen by Mott

The Mizzen By Mott app delivers inspiring and engaging activities that spark learning in young people. Supported by the Mott Foundation, Mizzen is available at no cost to afterschool professionals! Encourage partners to download the Mizzen By Mott app to access STEM activities at your finger-touch! 

Featured Activities & Playlists

  • Playlist: STEM Activities for K-5th Grade
  • Playlist: STEAM Activities for Middle School
  • Helicopter Engineering for 6-8th Grade- Students work in team to engineer an optimal paper helicopter design