STEAM Newsletter – Celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month!
September 24, 2024

STEAM Newsletter
Ellen Ochoa playing the flute in space shuttle Discovery’s aft flight deck

National Hispanic Heritage Month is celebrated every year from September 15 to October 15. This month, we honor the contributions of Hispanic and Latinx communities in shaping our world—not only in history, art, and culture but also in the fields of science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics (STEAM).  

From artists such as Frida Kahlo, known for her deeply personal and emotional art, to scientists such as Ellen Ochoa, the first Latina astronaut to go to space, the fusion of Hispanic culture and STEAM has sparked creativity, resilience, and innovation. This collective of trailblazing engineers, scientists, and artists continues to inspire the next generation of thinkers and creators, breaking barriers, and driving innovation forward. 

Happy Hispanic Heritage Month!

In This Newsletter:

May the Best Player Win cover

May the Best Player Win Book
Celebrating National Chess Day: October 14, 2024

Did you know that chess is a great introduction to STEM learning? It develops critical thinking, spatial awareness, and even algorithmic thinking—just like math, science, and coding! 

Start the celebration for National Chess Day (October 14, 2024) early by reading an excerpt from May the Best Player Win, authored by Kyla Zhao. Described as a family-friendly version of The Queen’s Gambit, this book explores competitive sports, gender stereotypes, and the pressure to succeed through the eyes of a young chess player.

ACRES Facilitating Engineering Practices Coaching flyer

ACRES: Facilitating Engineering Practices
Tuesdays: 9/24, 10/8, and 10/22/2024 at 12:00 - 2:00 PM PST

ACRES (Afterschool Coaching for Reflective Educators in STEM) is offering coaching on Facilitating Engineering Practices. In this module, participants will have the opportunity to gain first-hand experience with engineering by solving a design problem and examining components of the engineering design process, while discussing ways to model the process with youth. Engineering has become a staple of STEM programming for youth. *The expectation is that you will be live at all three sessions and an active member of this coaching cohort.

Learn more and Register here! 

Science Buddies company logo

Science Buddies: Hispanic Scientists and Engineers
Engineering Mindsets

This Science Buddies article on Hispanic Scientists and Engineers, honors National Hispanic Heritage Month, by highlighting 26 scientists and engineers who have made significant contributions to STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics).  Aiming to encourage students to learn more about these scientists and to explore related science projects and careers for scientists they find interesting, it includes a short biography on each scientist, links to 1-2 hands-on science projects related to the scientist’s area of study, links to relevant science career profiles, and a link to a biography.

Photo of a graphic of Hispanic Heritage Month, and their flags.

Hispanic Scientists and Their Contributions to Science!

In honor of National Hispanic Heritage Month, below are two articles that highlight Hispanic Scientists who have made amazing contributions to Science and STEM careers! 

5 Hispanic Scientists That Made Amazing Contributions To Science: Hispanic scientists that made amazing contributions to science. 

Mexican virologist Susana López Charretón uncovered rotaviruses’ secrets: Susana López Charretón is among Mexico’s leading virologists. She has been awarded the UNESCO–Carlos J. Finlay Prize for Microbiology and the L’Oréal-UNESCO For Women in Science award.

STEM Education Blog logo

The Role of Informal Learning Environments in STEM Education
Equity and Inclusion

This STEM Education Guide article discusses the important role and impact of informal learning environments such as museums and maker spaces in STEM, and how they are inclusive to everyone regardless of age or expertise. A few things discussed in the article are: what informal learning is about, the role of museums in STEM education, maker spaces and maker movement, the impact on diverse learner profiles, and more! 

Carnegie Corporation of New York article photo of students and parents in front of Harriet R. Tubman Elementary School for the first day of school

Strategies and Resources to Support Effective Family Engagement
Role Models, Mentors & Family

In partnership with the Carnegie Corporation of New York and Overdeck Family Foundation, The U.S. Department of Education hosted a six-month webinar series designed to boost family engagement practices. The conversations brought together education leaders and practitioners from across the United States to share resources and evidence-based strategies that bridge the gap between home and school.

Check out the video recordings here. 

Picture of a bubble with the STEM (science, technology, engineering, math) acronym and all the different STEM careers

STEM Career Awareness
STEM Learning Pathways and Career Awareness

 This Fostering STEM Career Awareness: Emerging Opportunities for Teachers paper by Carolyn Cohen, Davis G. Patterson, Dina N. Kovarik, Jeanne T. Chowning of the Cohen Research & Evaluation, LLC Northwest Association for Biomedical Research at the University of Washington, highlights and expands on four major and effective strategies to support youth STEM Career Awareness.

Their study involved interviews and focus groups of over 70 high-school science teachers, as well as other science and career education experts, that revealed teaching strategies with the potential to engage students in learning more about STEM careers and implications for broader policy and practice!

Photo from the Why arts education matters: A conversation with Jessica Mele blog of students participating in the performing arts

Why arts education matters: A conversation with Jessica Mele
Arts and Education

This blog by Learning In Afterschool and Summer: A Project of Temescal Associates and The How Kids Learn Foundation, is a conversation between EdSource writer Karen D’Souza and Jessica Mele, a Program Officer in Performing Arts at the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation. Jessica Mele manages a diverse portfolio of grants focused in arts education advocacy and policy. Their conversation is a discussion about the arts in education, its impact on the lives of students, and why it matters, as well as the recent passage of Prop. 28 in 2022. 

Check out the discussion here!

Activities graphic with blue, orange, green, and pink colors

Activities for September 2024!

Small Moon Big Sun: In this activity, learners explore how distance can affect the way they perceive the size of an object. It also introduces learners to solar eclipses as well as the Sun and Moon’s sizes and distances from Earth. This is a very simple activity using balls as models, making it accessible even for young learners. This resource also contains hints on how to use familiar objects to help learners visualize the sizes and distances of the Sun, Moon and Earth.

Straining out the Dirt: Learners take on the role of environmental engineers as they design water filters. Learners see how polluted water (water with chocolate powder mix) can become clearer when passed through their filter of sand, marbles, granulated activated carbon, and cotton balls. Resource contains suggestions for assessment, extensions, and scaling for different levels of learners.