CAN is Seeking Feedback for the 2024-25 ELO-P Academies!
Request for Feedback by July 31, 2024

E-mail blast

Save the Date promo for the Fall 2024 ELO-P AcademyCAN, in partnership with the CA Department of Education, Expanded Learning Division, is seeking feedback from the Expanded Learning field and its partners to inform us on potential workshop topics for our Fall 2024 and Spring 2025 ELO-P Academies.

We value and appreciate your feedback and encourage folks to provide us with information that best meets the field’s overall needs. We are looking for an initial round of feedback by Wednesday, July 31, 2024. We will keep the feedback form open to help fine-tune and get additional information for our Spring 2025 Academy. The survey should take approximately 5-10 minutes to complete.  


About the ELO-P Academies

The ELO-P Academies aim to provide a multi-day virtual convening of workshops to support District, School, and Community Partner practitioners in designing and implementing California’s Expanded Learning Opportunities Program (ELO-P). Each day focuses on a specific hot topic related to ELO-P, addressing the overall needs of the field. This allows participants to connect, learn, strengthen their skills, and hear about promising practices from the ELO-P community.

P.S. Don’t forget to mark your calendars & save the dates for our Fall 2024 ELO-P Academy! Learn more.