ESSER III Summer Round 1 Renewal Application Available in ASSIST!
Application Due: November 30, 2023
The Expanded Learning Division (EXLD)
of the California Department of Education (CDE) is pleased to
announce a renewal opportunity for the
Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) III
Summer Grant Program for Round 1 Recipients
only. The CDE has $52 million available for this
renewal opportunity!
The Application is Now available in ASSIST for FY 2023-24!
The application consists of:
- A cover page that needs to be signed by the Authorized agent that is auto-filled with your current contact information from ASSIST.
- An Operating School form that is auto-filled with your current school site information that will need to be completed to signify if you want to renew the summer site again or cancel it from your renewal application. You will need to fill in an “R” for renew or a “C” for cancel.
If you apply for the renewal and are successful, you will be renewed at your existing funded site amount based on the enrollment numbers when you initially applied for ESSER III Summer Round 1 RFA. The CDE will take all renewal sites and rank them by free and reduced-priced meal percentage from highest to lowest until all funds are utilized.
The renewal application is due by November 30, 2023, and the Grant Awards will be sent out by the end of March 2024 to provide another summer opportunity to your school sites for the Summer of 2024!
The CDE highly encourages you to apply for this renewal opportunity!
Please mail the signed, completed application to:
ESSER III Summer Round 1 Renewal
California Department of Education
Expanded Learning Division
1430 N Street, Suite 3400
Sacramento, CA. 995814
For questions and/or assistance, please contact your Fiscal Analyst. Contact information can be found on the Contact the Expanded Learning Division web page located at EXLD Contacts Page.
Expanded Learning Division
California Department of Education