CDE Updates
BOOST Pre-conference Academy
March 20, 2025
The Expanded Learning Division will be presenting at the BOOST Pre-conference academy. Please see attached flyer, website links below and a description of the presentation.
Title: Back to the Basics: 21st CCLC Cohort 16 Changes and an Overview of ELOP Attendance Recovery
Updated ASES and 21st CCLC FAQs
March 12, 2025
The Expanded Learning Division has made a few changes to our existing FAQ’s that we wanted to make you aware of. These changes include:
- Clarification on the minimum grant amount for 21st CCLC and ASSETs programs (#4).
- Updating the definition of good standing (#19).
- Updating the process for submitting attendance relief request documentation (#25).
- Adding a question on the process for a district to leave a consortium (#31).
- Updating outdated links.
Potential Cohort 16 21st CCLC RFA Changes – UPDATE
March 10, 2025
The Expanded Learning Division (EXLD) previously sent the email below notifying you of potential changes for the Cohort 16 21st Century Community Learning Centers (21st CCLC) Request for Applications (RFA). We have revised the dates to be in alignment with our funding from the U.S. Department of Education. We will adhere to past practice of funding three cohorts at a time with 21st CCLC funding. The cohorts being funded are Cohorts 13, 14, and 15 with Cohort 13 funds ending on June 30, 2027. The Cohort 16 awards will be effective July 1, 2027. Please refer to the following revised timeline/dates for implementation of these potential changes. Future opportunities to engage and solicit feedback for these potential changes from Grantees will include a session at BOOST on Tuesday, April 29th at 1:00 p.m. More information can be found here: California Department of Education.
CY2024 Reduction Process and Attendance Relief/Professional Development Day Relief Requests
February 28, 2025
This e-blast contains information on the grant reduction process for the After School Education and Safety, 21st Century Community Learning Centers, and 21st Century High School After School Safety and Enrichment for Teens Programs.
A grant reduction process is required by California Education Code (EC) sections 8483.7 and 8483.76, effective July 1, 2025. Attached is the Grant Award Reduction chart with examples.
Register for the CDE Attendance Recovery Webinar
Wednesday March 19, 2025, 10:00 am
On Wednesday, March 19, 2025, at 10:00 am, the California Department of Education’s School Fiscal Services Division (SFSD) will present a 90-minute webinar on Attendance Recovery, a new program available to school districts, county offices of education, and classroom-based charter schools beginning in fiscal year 2025–26.
Reminder: APR Window 2 Due March 7th
February 24, 2025
Dear 21st Century Community Learning Centers Expanded Learning Grantees:
Friendly reminder that Window 2 is now open for the 23/24 performance period and due March 7, 2025.
Potential Cohort 16 21st CCLC RFA Changes
February 10, 2025
The California Department of Education (CDE) Expanded Learning Division (EXLD) would like to notify the field of potential changes that will be part of the Cohort 16 21st Century Community Learning Centers (21st CCLC) Request for Applications (RFA). Please note, the following potential changes are currently being reviewed and vetted by various stakeholders including The Advisory Committee on Before and After School Programs, CDE’s Legal and internal approval process and therefore, subject to edits or omissions once the RFA is final and posted on our website:
ASES Universal Request for Application Extension & Emergency Information
January 13, 2025
Due to the Southern California wildfires, the California Department of Education (CDE) Expanded Learning Division (EXLD) is extending the deadline for the After School Education and Safety (ASES) grant program to Friday January 31, 2025 at 4pm. All other application requirements will remain the same.
In addition, below is information on attendance relief for all grant programs and information for programs not able to operate the Expanded Learning Opportunities (ELO) Program.
Reminder APR Window 2 Due March 7th
January 9, 2025
Friendly reminder that Window 2 is now open for the 23/24 performance period and due March 7, 2025.
ASES Universal RFA for FY 25-26 – Errata
December 17, 2024
The Expanded Learning Division is posting an errata to correct the areas of the ASES Universal Request for Application (RFA) in which there were indications that the fiscal agent can be an entity that is not a local educational agency (LEA).
Fiscal Year 2025-26 ASES Frontier Transportation Application
December 12, 2024
The Expanded Learning Division (EXLD) of the California Department of Education (CDE) is pleased to announce the release of the ASES Frontier Transportation Program Grant Application. The purpose of the ASES Frontier Transportation Grant is to provide supplemental funding for existing ASES grantees that have transportation needs due to their after school program site being located in Frontier Areas as specified in California Education Code Section 8483.7(a)(5).
Release of the ASES Universal RFA for FY 25-26
November 19, 2024
The California Department of Education, Expanded Learning Division recently shared the information below to After School Education and Safety (ASES) Universal Applicants:
The Expanded Learning Division (EXLD) of the California Department of Education (CDE) is pleased to announce the release of the ASES Universal Program Request for Applications (RFA) for funding beginning in the 2025–26 fiscal year (FY).
Revised ELO-P Plan Guide is Posted on CDE Webpage
November 22, 2024
The revised and improved Expanded Learning Opportunities Program (ELO-P) Plan Guide is now available on the California Department of Education (CDE) website at
The ELO-P Plan needs to be completed every three years pursuant to the requirements in California Education Code Section 46120.
Cycle-A-ASES Renewal Application for FY 2025-26
November 27, 2024
The CDE Expanded Learning Division recently shared important information about the After School Education and Safety (ASES) and ASES Frontier Transportation grant renewal process.
The ASES grantees listed under renewal Cycle A will have the opportunity to apply for renewal for another three-year period, consistent with California Education Code (EC) Section 8483.7(a)(1)(A). There are two parts to this process:
CDE Update: Cycle-A-ASES Renewal Application for FY 2025-26
November 27, 2024
The CDE Expanded Learning Division recently shared important information about the After School Education and Safety (ASES) and ASES Frontier Transportation grant renewal process.
The ASES grantees listed under renewal Cycle A will have the opportunity to apply for renewal for another three-year period, consistent with California Education Code (EC) Section 8483.7(a)(1)(A). There are two parts to this process:
CDE Update: Revised ELO-P Plan Guide is Posted on CDE Webpage
November 22, 2024
The revised and improved Expanded
Learning Opportunities Program (ELO-P) Plan Guide is now
available on the California Department of Education (CDE) website
The ELO-P Plan needs to be completed every three years pursuant to the requirements in California Education Code Section 46120.
CDE Update: Release of the ASES Universal RFA for FY 25-26
November 19, 2024
Updated ELO-Program FAQs Posted!
October 3, 2024
The California Department of Education, Expanded Learning Division, recently posted updated Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)! FAQs focus on Program Requirements, Program Funding, Allowable Uses, Program Flexibility, and Meals. We highly encourage ELO-P practitioners to bookmark this helpful webpage!
The Expanded Learning Opportunities Program FAQs can be found at:
Have questions or need support? Contact the Expanded Learning Division:
Fiscal Year 2024–25 ASES Frontier Final Intent to Award
September 16, 2024
The Expanded Learning Division (EXLD) is pleased to announce the posting of the Final Intent to Award (ITA) for the After School Education and Safety (ASES) Frontier Transportation Grant. The award list is located on the California Department of Education (CDE) website at Funding Results: After School Education and Safety Frontier Transportation Grant (CA Dept of Education).
Fiscal Year 2024–25 ASES Universal Final Intent to Award
September 16, 2024
The Expanded Learning Division (EXLD) is pleased to announce the posting of the Final Intent to Award (ITA) for the ASES Program located on the California Department of Education (CDE) website at Funding Results: After School Education and Safety (CA Dept of Education).
FY 2025-26 School Site Substitutions
Due February 15, 2025
The California Department of Education (CDE), Expanded Learning Division, is providing the following guidance on school site substitutions for the fiscal year (FY) 2025–26. This guidance may be updated annually and should be responded to accordingly. Grantees should note there is a single filing date of February 15, 2025 that must be adhered to. An approved school site substitution will be effective July 1, 2025. Grantees should refer to their board or governing entity regarding school closures for FY 2025–26.
CDE Update: Fiscal Year 2024–25 ASES Universal & ASES Frontier Final Intent to Award
September 16, 2024
The California Department of
Education, Expanded Learning Division (EXLD) made two
important announcements on the posting of the following
- Final Intent to Award (ITA) for the After School Education and Safety (ASES) Frontier Transportation Grant
- Final Intent to Award (ITA) for the After School Education and Safety (ASES) Universal Program
Please see the details for each announcement below.
2024 – 25 ELO-P Audit Guide
Please see the 2024-2025 ASES and ELO-P Audit Guide. Familiarize yourself and your team with the ASES and ELO-P audit procedures included in the 2023 – 24 Audit Guide. If you have any questions, please reach out to your regional CDE representatives. You can find their contact information here:
Please note, to avoid an audit finding and its associated fiscal penalty, LEAs must document a resolution by the LEA’s governing board and provide documentation substantiating the need for such closure and show it to the auditors during the audit for meeting the school day and non-school day offering requirements.
ASSETs Grantees will Receive a One-Time Grant of $60,000 for FY 2023 – 24
August 29, 2024
The funds will have an effective date of July 1, 2023—December 31, 2024. These additional funds should be utilized following the same rules as your base ASSETs funding.
Important to Know Regarding Grantee Subcontractors
August 29, 2024
Explore these important to know updates regarding grantee subcontractors.
August 2024 ELO-P Updates
August 29, 2024
Read the latest updates from the California Department of Education, Expanded Learning Division regarding the Expanded Learning Opportunities Program (ELO-P).
Intent to Award for the 21st CCLC and ASSETs Funding Result
August 29, 2024
The EXLD is pleased to announce the posting of the Intent to Award for the 21st CCLC and ASSETs Funding Results.
All awards are made contingent upon the availability of federal funds. Funds have been ranked and awarded first by geographic designation, then by priority points and Free and Reduced-Price Meal (FRPM) percentage rate.
ESSER III Summer Program Funding Obligation Reminder
Funding Ends: September 30, 2024
This is a reminder that all Cohorts of ESSER III Summer funding end on September 30, 2024. All funds must be obligated by September 30, 2024, and will need to be liquidated by January 28, 2025. Please see this link to the Code of Federal Regulations (eCFR) defining obligations at eCFR :: 34 CFR 76.707 — When obligations are made.
If you have any questions, or need assistance please contact your Fiscal Analyst. Contact information can be found on the Contact the EXLD web page located at EXLD Contacts Page.
Open: ASSIST Fourth Quarter Expenditure and Second Semiannual Attendance Reporting
Reports Due: October 31, 2024
The 4th quarter expenditure (April 1 – September 30) and the 2nd semiannual attendance (January 1 – September 30) reports have been released for the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) III Summer program grants in ASSIST and are due by October 31, 2024.
Expanded Learning Opportunities Program Expenditure and Encumbrance Deadlines for Prior-Year Funds
Deadline: September 30, 2024
The CDE would like to inform you about critical deadlines and guidelines regarding the expenditure and encumbrance of 2021–22 and 2022–23 FY funds for the ELO-P.
Information on the Grant Reduction Process for the ASES, 21st CCLC, and 21st Century High School ASSETs Programs
August 29, 2024
A grant reduction process is required by California Education Code (EC) sections 8483.7 and 8483.76, effective July 1, 2025.
Allowable Use of Funds for Grant Extension Period for FY 2023–24
August 29, 2024
The CDE EXLD extended the grant award notifications from a normal 12-month grant period to a 15-month grant period ending on September 30, 2024, for FY 2023–24.
The ASES, 21st CCLC, and After School Safety and Enrichment for Teens (ASSETs) programs may extend FY 2023–24 funds for a period of three months, beginning July 1, 2023–September 30, 2024.
The purpose of the extension of grant funds for FY 2023–24 is to allow expanded learning programs to increase their level of support to students.
Fiscal Year (FY) 24-25 ASES Final Intent to Award
August 29, 2024
The EXLD is pleased to announce the posting of the Intent to Award for the ASES Program located on the California Department of Education (CDE) web page at Funding Results: After School Education and Safety.
The Intent to Award list shows only new funding awarded for the ASES Universal 2024–25 Request for Application (RFA)—This posting is only for newly funded sites or sites that requested an increase through the RFA process for Fiscal Year (FY) 2024–25. Current ASES grantees and grantees that were up for renewal on Cycle C will not appear on this funding list.
APR 2023-24 Reporting-Data Entry Window 1 Opens August 22, 2024
August 13, 2024
CDE Update: FY 24-25 ASES & ASES Frontier Programs Final Intent to Award
July 31, 2024
2023–24 Annual Outcomes Based Data for Evaluation and Continuous Quality Improvement
Due Monday, September 30, 2024.
The CDE Expanded Learning Division
recently sent grantees an email with important information
on the 2023–24 Annual Outcomes Based Data for Evaluation and
Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) report, which is due
Monday, September 30, 2024.
Please read the full content of this post, as it contains important instructions for submitting the report. Please ensure all contacts are current in ASSIST.
The 2023–24 Annual Outcomes Based Data for Evaluation and CQI report is a grant requirement for the following programs:
- After School Education and Safety (ASES) Program
- 21st Century Community Learning Centers (CCLC) Program
- 21st Century High School After School Safety and Enrichment for Teens (ASSETs) Program.
21st CCLC & ASSETs Final Intent to Award
July 24 & 25, 2024
The CDE Expanded Learning Division
recently announced postings of the Final Intent to
Award for Fiscal Year 2024-25 21st Century Community
Learning Centers (CCLC) and After School Safety and
Enrichment for Teens (ASSETs).
Funding Results: 21st CCLC Elementary/Middle & 21st CCLC ASSETs (CA Dept of Education).
All awards are made contingent upon the availability of federal funds. Funds have been ranked and awarded first by geographic designation, then by priority points and Free and Reduced-Price Meal (FRPM) percentage rate. The funding cut-off for each geographic designation is listed below:
Expanded Learning Division (EXLD) Grant Reduction Process – Calendar Year 2024
July 10, 2024
The California Department of Education
(CDE), Expanded Learning Division (EXLD), recently shared
information on the grant reduction process for the After
School Education and Safety, 21st Century Community Learning
Centers, and 21st Century High School After School Safety and
Enrichment for Teens (ASSETs) Programs.
A grant reduction process is required by California Education Code (EC) sections 8483.7 and 8483.76, effective July 1, 2025.
What’s New?
Allowable Use of Funds for Grant Extension Period for FY 2023–24
July 8, 2024
The California Department of Education,
Expanded Learning Division (EXLD) extended the grant award
notifications from a normal 12-month grant period to a 15-month
grant period ending on September 30, 2024, for fiscal year (FY)
The After School Education and Safety (ASES), 21st Century Community Learning Centers (21stCCLC), and After School Safety and Enrichment for Teens (ASSETs) programs may extend FY 2023–24 funds for three months, beginning July 1, 2023, and ending September 30, 2024.
Reminder: ESSER III Summer Program Funding Obligation
Ending on September 30, 2024
The California Department of Education reminds Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) III Summer Grant Program Recipients of an important deadline.
All Cohorts of ESSER III Summer funding (administered by the CDE Expanded Learning Division) will end on September 30, 2024. All funds must be obligated by September 30, 2024, and must be liquidated by January 28, 2025. Please refer to this link to the Code of Federal Regulations defining obligations at eCFR :: 34 CFR 76.707 — When obligations are made.
Registration is Open for the 21st CCLC Summer Symposium
Wednesday, July 31 - Thursday, August 1, 2024
The U.S. Department of Education is pleased to announce that registration for the Nita M. Lowey 21st Century Community Learning Centers (21st CCLC) 2024 Summer Symposium is now open!
This year’s Symposium will be held on July 31 – August 1, 2024, at the San Francisco Marriott Marquis, 780 Mission Street, San Francisco, California 94103.
Expanded Learning Opportunities (ELO) Program Updates (May 2024)
May 8, 2024
The Expanded Learning Division (EXLD) is happy to announce several updates to the Expanded Learning Opportunities (ELO) Program web page!
This email is notification that the ELO Program Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) have been revised and uploaded to the web page. In addition, there are placeholders for the ELO Program Expenditure Report and the ELO Program Third Party Providers Report.
Intent to Award for the 21st Century ASSETs Funding Results
April 30, 2024
The Expanded Learning Division is pleased to announce the posting of the Intent to Award for the 21st Century ASSETs Funding Results.
All awards are made contingent upon the availability of federal funds. Funds have been ranked and awarded first by geographic designation, then by priority points and Free and Reduced Price Meal (FRPM) percentage rate. The funding cut-off for each geographic designation is listed below:
Intent to Award for the 21st Century Community Learning Center Funding Results
April 30, 2024
The Expanded Learning Division is pleased to announce the posting of the Intent to Award for the 21st Century Community Learning Center Funding Results.
All awards are made contingent upon the availability of federal funds. Funds have been ranked and awarded first by geographic designation, then by priority points and Free and Reduced-Price Meal (FRPM) percentage rate. The funding cut-off for each geographic designation is listed below:
ELO-P TK and K Report to the Legislature
April 16, 2024
The Expanded Learning Opportunities Program, Transitional Kindergarten, and Kindergarten Report to the Legislature, as required by Senate Bill 114 Senate Bill 114 (Chap. 48, Stats 2023).
This report is required by California Education Code Section 46120(f). This section provides that any local educational agency receiving an apportionment for the Expanded Learning Opportunities Program in 2023–24 must provide data for all third-party providers that are operating the program at an off-site location.
ESSER III Summer Round 1 Renewal Final Intent to Award Posted!
March 29, 2024
The Expanded Learning Division (EXLD) of the California Department of Education (CDE) is pleased to announce the final intent to award list for the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) III Summer Grant Program for the Round 1 Renewal located on the CDE web site at Funding Results – Expanded Learning (CA Dept of Education)
Audit Finding Calculators to Support ELO-P & TK Programs
March 22, 2024
The California Department of Education has posted two new Local Educational Agencies (LEAs) penalty calculator tools designed to assist LEAs and auditors in estimating the cost of audit findings related to Transitional Kindergarten (TK) Early Enrollment and the Expanded Learning Opportunities Program (ELO-P).
School Site Substitutions for FY 24-25
February 9, 2024
The California Department of Education (CDE), Expanded Learning Division, is providing the following guidance on school site substitutions for the fiscal year (FY) 2024-25. This guidance may be updated annually and should be responded to accordingly. Grantees should note there is a single filing date of April 30, 2024, that must be adhered to. An approved school site substitution will be effective July 1, 2024. Grantees should refer to their board or governing entity regarding school closures for FY 2024-25.
CDE Update: Suspending Grant Reductions for Calendar Year 2023 Attendance Data
January 25, 2024
The California Department of Education, Expanded Learning Division (EXLD) will suspend grant reductions for one additional calendar year only. This applies to After School Education and Safety (ASES), 21st Community Learning Centers (21st CCLC) Elementary and Middle School, and ASSETs grants. The EXLD has heard from grantees across the state and understands the various circumstances that made meeting attendance goals challenging, particularly in the Spring of 2023.
Quarterly Expenditure and Semi-Annual Attendance Report Due!
Due January 31, 2024
The CDE Expanded Learning Division (EXLD) is informing Expanded Learning Grantees that the following reports are now available in the After-School Support and Information System (ASSIST):
Grant Reporting for FY 2023-24
- First semiannual attendance report (July 1, 2023 – December 31, 2023) for the After School Education and Safety (ASES), 21st Century Community Learning Centers (CCLC), and the 21st CCLC High School After School Safety and Enrichment for Teens (ASSETs) Program grants.
- Second quarter expenditure reports (October 1, 2023 - December 31, 2023)
Reminder: Cycle-C-ASES Renewal Application Due
Due: January 19, 2024
This information provides After School Education and Safety Grant Renewal, Cycle C Grantees with details about the After School Education and Safety (ASES) and ASES Frontier Transportation grant renewal process. The ASES grantees listed under renewal Cycle C will have the opportunity to apply for renewal for another three-year period, consistent with California Education Code (EC) Section 8483.7(a)(1)(A). There are two parts to this process:
CDE Update: Additional Funds for ASSETs for FY 2023-24
December 6, 2023
The Expanded Learning Division (EXLD)
of the California Department of Education (CDE) is pleased to
announce that each ASSETs grantee will receive a
one-time additional grant for $60k for each funded
base program for the fiscal year 2023-24. The
funds will have an effective date of July 1, 2023 – December
31, 2024. The CDE anticipates the Grant Award
Notifications will be sent out in February 2024. These additional
funds should be utilized following the same rules as regular
ASSETs funding.
New Requirements for ELO-P and ASSETs
Effective January 1, 2024
The California Department of Education is sharing an important update for Expanded Learning Opportunities Program (ELO-P) Recipients and 21st Century High School After School Safety and Enrichment for Teens (ASSETs) Grantees:
New Requirements for ELO-P and ASSETs
Effective January 1, 2024
21st CCLC and ASSETS FY 2023-24 GANs
November 13, 2023
The Expanded Learning Division (EXLD) of the California Department of Education (CDE) is pleased to announce the 21st Century Community Learning Centers (CCLC) and High School After School Safety and Enrichment for Teens (ASSETs) Grant Award Notifications (GANs) have been mailed as of Saturday to the Superintendents and Authorized Agents for Fiscal Year 2023-24.
ESSER III Summer Round 1 Renewal Application Available in ASSIST!
Application Due: November 30, 2023
The Expanded Learning Division (EXLD)
of the California Department of Education (CDE) is pleased to
announce a renewal opportunity for the
Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) III
Summer Grant Program for Round 1 Recipients
only. The CDE has $52 million available for this
renewal opportunity!
The Application is Now available in ASSIST for FY 2023-24!
The application consists of:
Addendum: Allowable Use of Funds for Grant Extension Period for FY 2022-23
October 10, 2023
The California Department of Education, Expanded Learning Division (EXLD) extended the grant award notifications from a normal 12-month grant period to an 18-month grant period ending on December 31, 2023, for fiscal year (FY) 2022–23.
The EXLD has added an additional item to the allowable use of funds for the grant extension period for FY 2022–23.
Important Update! Extension of FY 22-23 ASES and 21st CCLC Funds
September 28, 2023
Due of the delay in the release of the grant award notifications because of applying the rate increase from the California American Rescue Plan Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ARP ESSER) funding, the California Department of Education (CDE), Expanded Learning Division (EXLD) extended the grant award notifications from a normal twelve month grant period to an eighteen month grant period ending on December 31, 2023.
Fiscal Year 2023-24 Advance Principal Apportionment-ELO-P
August 30, 2023
Expanded Learning Opportunities Program
The 2023–24 Budget Act provides $4 billion for the Expanded Learning Opportunities Program. The CDE has set aside $5 million of the total appropriation for COE apportionments to provide technical assistance, evaluation, and training services to support program improvement [ECSection 46120(d)(8)]. The total appropriation to eligible school districts and charter schools at Advance is $3,995,000,000.
ESSER III Summer-Round 2 Final Intent to Awards
August 30, 2023
The Expanded Learning Division (EXLD) is pleased to announce the posting of the Final Intent to Award for the ESSER III Summer Grant Program Application–Round 2, located on the California Department of Education (CDE) web page at Round 2 ESSER III Summer ASES List and Round 2 ESSER III Summer 21st Ce
EXLD Grant Reduction Process – Calendar Year 2023
August 18, 2023
This update contains information on the grant reduction process for the After School Education and Safety, 21st Century Community Learning Centers, and 21st Century High School After School Safety and Enrichment for Teens (ASSETs) Programs.
A grant reduction process is required by California Education Code (EC) sections 8483.7 and 8483.76, effective July 1, 2024. Attached is the Grant Award Reduction chart with examples.
What’s New?
CDE Funding Announcements for Fiscal Year 2023-24
June & July 2023
The California Department of Education’s, Expanded Learning Division (EXLD) has recently announced its “Intent to Award” for the following funding opportunities:
- FY 2023-24 ASES Universal & ASES Frontier
- FY 2023-24 21st CCLC ASSETs & Elementary/Middle – Cohort 14
21st Century ASSETs & Elementary/Middle Intent to Award for Fiscal Year 2023-24
In case you missed our E-Blast last
week, we re re-sharing this important information from the CA
Dept. of Education.
The CA Department of Education, Expanded Learning Division recently announced the 21st Century Community Learning Center (21st Century) After School Safety and Enrichment for Teens (ASSETs) & Elementary/Middle Intent to Award for the 2023-24 Fiscal Year. See details below.
21st Century ASSETs & Elementary/Middle Intent to Award for Fiscal Year 2023-24
April 26, 2023
Release of the ASES Universal RFA for FY 23-24
December 9, 2022
The Expanded Learning Division (EXLD) of the California Department of Education (CDE) is pleased to announce the release of the After School Education and Safety (ASES) Universal Program Request for Applications (RFA) for funding beginning in the 2023–24 fiscal year. Both RFAs can be found on the CDE Funding Opportunities web page at Expanded Learning Funding Opportunities.
Cycle-B-ASES Renewal Application is Available in ASSIST for FY 2023-24
December 2022
The California Department of Education (CDE) recently communicated an important message to the After School Education and Safety (ASES) Grant Renewal, Cycle B Grantees.
The message provides information about the After School Education and Safety (ASES) and ASES Frontier Transportation grant renewal process.
Addition to the Allowable Use of Funds for the Grant Extension Period
Ending on December 31, 2022
The California Department of
Education, Expanded Learning Division (EXLD) extended the grant
award notifications from a normal 12-month grant period to an
18-month grant period ending on December 31, 2022, for fiscal
year (FY) 2021–22.
The EXLD has added an additional item to the allowable use of funds for the grant extension period for FY 2021–22.
October 2022 CDE Updates
The California Department of Education,
Expanded Learning Division (EXLD) has four updates for grantees,
programs, etc. Please click on the links below to learn more.
- FY 22-23 ASES Universal and ASES Frontier Final Intent to Award Posted - October 13, 2022
- Call for Grant Reviewers for 21st CCLCApplications – Due by October 14, 2022
- 21st Century Request for Applications: Cohort 14 - Deadline to Submit: Wednesday, November 16, 2022
- Fiscal Year 2021-2023 ESSER Summer Funding Intent to Award List - September 29, 2022
FY 22-23 ASES Universal and ASES Frontier Final Intent to Award Posted!
October 13, 2022
The Expanded Learning Division (EXLD)
is pleased to announce the posting of
the Final Intent to Award for the
After School Education and Safety (ASES) Program located on the
California Department of Education’s (CDE) website
at Funding Results: After School Education and
Safety (CA Dept of Education) and the Final ASES
Frontier Funding results at Funding Results: ASES Frontier Transportation
Grant (CA Dept of Education)
Fiscal Year 2021-2023 ESSER Summer Funding Intent to Award List
September 29, 2022
The Expanded Learning Division (EXLD)
is pleased to announce the posting of the Intent to Award
for the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief III
Summer Grant (ESSER III) Program located on the California
Department of Education (CDE) web page at Funding Results:
Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief III Summer Grant
21st Century Request for Applications – Cohort 14
Deadline to Submit: Wednesday, November 16, 2022
The Expanded Learning Division (EXLD)
of the California Department of Education (CDE) is pleased to
announce the release of the 21st Century
Community Learning Centers (CCLC) Elementary/Middle Program and
the 21st Century High School After School Safety and
Enrichment for Teens (ASSETs) Program Request for
Applications (RFA) for funding beginning in the 2023–24 state
fiscal year. The federal 21st CCLC Program is authorized by
Title IV, Part B of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act,
as amended by the Every Student Succeeds Act of 2015.
CDE Update: FY 22-23 ASES Universal Intent to Award Posted!
August 16, 2022
The Expanded Learning Division
(EXLD) is pleased to announce the posting of the Intent to
Award for the After School Education and Safety (ASES) Program
located on the California Department of Education (CDE) web page
at Funding Results:
After School Education and Safety (CA Dept of Education).
FY 22-23 21st Century Final Intent to Award List-Cohort 13
July 21, 2022
The Expanded Learning Division (EXLD) recently announced that the final award posting for the 21st CCLC Program is available on the California Department of Education (CDE) website.
Each year, the EXLD holds back reserve funding until all appeals have been exhausted. Due to the availability of reserve funding, the EXLD was able to fund additional sites based on their priority status. Those sites are added onto the final award posting.
FY 22-23 ASSETs Final Intent to Award List-Cohort 13
July 21, 2022
The Expanded Learning Division (EXLD) recently announced the final award posting for the ASSETs Program is available on the California Department of Education (CDE) website.
Each year, the EXLD holds back reserve funding until all appeals have been exhausted. Due to the availability of reserve funding, the EXLD was able to fund additional sites based on their priority status. Those sites are listed on the final award posting.
FY 22-23 21st Century Final Intent to Award List-Cohort 13
July 21, 2022
The Expanded Learning Division (EXLD)
recently announced that the final award posting for the 21st
CCLC Program is available on the California Department of
Education (CDE) website.
Each year, the EXLD holds back reserve funding until all appeals have been exhausted. Due to the availability of reserve funding, the EXLD was able to fund additional sites based on their priority status. Those sites are added onto the final award posting.
FY 22-23 ASSETs Final Intent to Award List-Cohort 13
July 21, 2022
The Expanded Learning Division (EXLD)
recently announced the final award posting for the ASSETs
Program is available on the California Department of Education
(CDE) website.
Each year, the EXLD holds back reserve funding until all appeals have been exhausted. Due to the availability of reserve funding, the EXLD was able to fund additional sites based on their priority status. Those sites are listed on the final award posting.
Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) III Summer Grant Program Request for Applications (RFA)
June 9, 2022
This information is for current After School and Education Safety (ASES) and 21st Century Community Learning Center (CCLC) grantees.
The Expanded Learning Division is pleased to announce the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) III Summer Grant Program Request for Applications (RFA). The RFA can be found on the California Department of Education Funding Opportunities web page at
21st Century-Revised Payment Schedule for FY 2021-22
June 6, 2022
Due to the delay in the release of the grant award notifications because of applying the rate increase from the California American Rescue Plan Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ARP ESSER) funding, the California Department of Education (CDE), Expanded Learning Division (EXLD) has had to revise our standard 21st Century Community Learning Centers (CCLC) payment schedule for fiscal year (FY) 2021-22.
CDE Update: Grant Reductions Suspended!
May 27, 2022
The California Department of Education
(CDE), Expanded Learning Division (EXLD) is pleased to announce
that the grant reduction process for the calendar year 2022
attendance is suspended. This applies to all After School
Education and Safety, 21st Century Community Learning Center
Elementary and Middle School, and all high school After School
Safety and Enrichment for Teens grants.
Universal PreKindergarten (UPK) Office Hours
Upcoming Office Hours: March 30, 2022, 4:00 – 5:00 p.m.
The California Department of Education,
Early Education Division (EED) is excited to announce weekly
Universal PreKindergarten (UPK) office hours.
The EED will be hosting virtual office hours on Wednesday
afternoons targeted for local education agencies (school
districts, charter schools, county offices of education) so that
attendees can come and ask questions and receive technical
assistance about UPK implementation. The first 15 minutes will be
a quick review of UPK and the latest developments.
Release of the FY 22-23 ASES Universal and ASES Frontier Request for Applications
February 22, 2022
The Expanded Learning Division (EXLD) of the California Department of Education (CDE) recently announced the release of the After School Education and Safety (ASES) Universal Program Request for Applications (RFA) and the ASES Frontier Transportation RFA for funding beginning in the 2022–23 fiscal year. Both RFAs can be found on the CDE Funding Opportunities web page at
ASSIST is Open for Reporting for FY 21-22
January 2022
The CA Department of Education is pleased to inform the After-School Support and Information System (ASSIST) has been updated with Fiscal Year (FY) 2021-22, grant information.
The following reports are now available for submission in the ASSIST for the After-School Education and Safety, 21st Century Community Learning Centers (CCLC), and the 21stCCLC High School After School Safety and Enrichment for Teens Program grants:
- Submission of Initial Program Budget for FY 2021-22
- First quarter expenditure reports (July 1, 2021–September 31, 2021)
CDE Update on Grant Reduction Suspension
January 21, 2022
The Expanded Learning
Division (EXLD) has received communications
from the After School Education and Safety as
as 21st Century Community Learning Centers grantees
across the state requesting the suspension of grant reductions
for 2022 due to ongoing external circumstances. The
EXLD has heard you and understands the challenges of
COVID, workforce shortages, and the impact current circumstances
are having on attendance resulting in the concern regarding
future grant reductions.
New ELO-P FAQ’s Posted!
December 22, 2021
The California Department of Education,
Expanded Learning Division recently sent an email notification
that the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
for the Expanded Learning Opportunities Program
have added questions 6–14, and are posted on the
California Department of Education website at Expanded Learning
Opportunities Program FAQs – Expanded Learning (CA Dept of
Early Release and Late Arrival Guidance Update
December 17, 2021
Letter of Intent from the CDE to Provide Grantees a FY 2021–22 Grant Award
December 21, 2021
This formal correspondence by Michael Funk, Director, Expanded Learning Division, California Department of Education, is to notify Expanded Learning Grantees that the California Department of Education (CDE), Expanded Learning Division (EXLD) will be providing Grant Award Notifications (GANs) to all grantees. The GANs will include all After School Education and Safety (ASES), 21st Century Community Learning Centers (CCLC), and After School Education and Safety for Teens (ASSETs) grants awarded a fiscal year (FY) 2021–22.
REVISED-FAQ’s for Expanded Learning Opportunities Program
December 20, 2021
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for Expanded Learning Opportunities Program have recently been revised for questions 1-5, and has posted to the California Department of Education website at Expanded Learning Opportunities Program FAQs – Expanded Learning (CA Dept of Education).
Cycle A – ASES Renewal Application for FY 22-23
Due: January 6, 2022
This is a Reminder the Cycle A, ASES Renewal Program Plans are due January 6, 2022.
The purpose of this message is to
provide information about the After School Education and
Safety (ASES) and ASES Frontier Transportation grant renewal
process. The ASES grantees listed under renewal Cycle A will have
the opportunity to apply for renewal for another three-year
period, consistent with California Education Code
(EC) Section 8483.7(a)(1)(A). There are two
parts to this process:
Expanded Learning Opportunities Program (ELO-P) Program Plan Guide Released!
December 1, 2021
The California Department of Education (CDE) Expanded Learning Division has announced the Expanded Learning Opportunities Program (ELO-P) Program Plan Guide has been posted on the CDE Webpage at
Announcing – Web Page for Expanded Learning Opportunities Program
The California Department of Education Expanded Learning Division (EXLD) is proud to announce a new Expanded Learning Opportunities Program (ELO-P) web page at Expanded Learning Opportunities Program – Expanded Learning (CA Dept of Education).
This web page will include the most current and up-to-date information surrounding the ELO-P and the EXLD will continue to add more guidance and resources as they become available. Please review the web page for the current California Education Code surrounding the ELO-P, Principal Apportionments, and Frequently Asked Questions.
Cycle-A-ASES Renewal Applications for FY 2022-23
November 2021
The ASES grantees listed under renewal Cycle A will have the opportunity to apply for renewal for another three-year period, consistent with California Education Code (EC) Section 8483.7(a)(1)(A). There are two parts to this process: (1) submit a current ASES Program Plan and (2) submit the ASES renewal application.
Current grantees may verify the grant cycle of their program on the California Department of Education’s (CDE’s) ASES Grant Renewal Cycles web page at ASES Grant Renewal Cycles.
21st CCLC Reader Recruitment
Deadline to Apply is October 1, 2021
21st Century Community Learning Centers (CCLC) and After School Safety and Enrichment for Teens (ASSETs) Programs Reader Recruitment
Fiscal Year 2022-23 Grant Reviewer Application
Background and Purpose
The Nita M. Lowey’s 21st Century Community Learning Centers (CCLC) Program, authorized under the federal Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), received its first appropriation in 1994. The 21st CCLC program funding supports the development of community learning centers established by eligible entities with the assistance of community partners. In 2015, the ESEA was reauthorized as the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). More information about ESSA can be found on the U.S. Department of Education ESSA page. This new legislation expands state and local accountability for student academic achievement as well as overall success and emphasizes the importance of adopting research or evidence-based practices.
Expanded Learning Rate Increases for FY 21-22
September 2021
In June, Governor Newsom approved the state
budget allocating additional dollars to the After School
Education and Safety (ASES), 21st Century
Community Learning Centers Elementary/Middle
(21st CCLC), and the 21st CCLC
High School After School Safety and Enrichment for Teens
(ASSETs) program grants, for a rate
increase effective July 1, 2021.
Update to Reporting Attendance for FY20-21
February 2, 2021
This text provides additional information for inputting your attendance for your After School Education and Safety and 21st Century Community Learning Centers grants:
APR-Fall 2019 Window Open for Reporting
Deadline: December 14, 2020
The Window II for Fall 2019 data entry has opened on October 27, 2020, and will be open through December 14, 2020.
Please be reminded that the timeline below will be the last opportunity to submit data for any of your Fall data for Window II. If you have not completed your submission for Fall Window II for any data set, please do so during this period.
Fiscal Year 2020-21 Attendance Reporting Guidelines
November 2020
Since March 2020, the California Department of Education (CDE) has issued several guidance documents that support legislative changes impacting the After School Education and Safety, 21st Century Community Learning Centers, and, the After School Safety and Education for Teens grants in fiscal year (FY) 2020–21.
The following attendance reporting guidelines are in accordance with Senate Bill (SB) 98, statute issued on June 29, 2020. The SB 98 authorized the CDE to waive California Education Code Section 8483.7, thereby omitting grant reductions to programs experiencing a decrease in program attendance in FY 2020–21. Due to this waiver, grantees are assured that reporting attendance for FY 2020–21 will not have an adverse fiscal impact on their grant.
License Exempt Waiver to Expanded Learning Program
November 2020
Updated Guidance on programs operating more than 60 hours
The California Department of Education (CDE) worked in collaboration with the California Department of Social Services (CDSS) to develop this memo regarding waivers for After School Education and Safety (ASES) and 21st Century Community Learning Centers (ASES/Expanded Learning) programs that want to expand their current programs. We are committed to supporting ASES/Expanded Learning providers who continue to provide quality programs for the children of families working on the frontlines against the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.
In response to the rapidly evolving coronavirus (COVID-19) public health emergency in California, both Departments are taking major and unprecedented actions to ensure that ASES/Expanded Learning providers have the resources and flexibility needed to meet the needs of children in care.
After School Education and Safety (ASES) and ASES Frontier Transportation Grant Renewal
November 2020
The ASES grantees listed under renewal Cycle C, will have the opportunity to apply for renewal for another three-year period, consistent with California Education Code (EC)Section 8483.7(a)(1)(A). There are two parts to this process, (1) submit a current ASES Program Plan and (2) submit the ASES renewal application.
Current grantees may verify the grant cycle of their program on the California Department of Education’s (CDE’s) ASES Grant Renewal Cycles web page at
2019-20 Annual Grantee Outcome-Based Data Report for Evaluation and Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) Deadline Approaching
Due: Wednesday, September 30, 2020
The 2019–20 Annual Grantee Outcome-Based Data Report for Evaluation and CQI is a grant requirement for the After School Education and Safety (ASES) Program, the 21st Century Community Learning Centers (CCLC) Program, and the 21st Century High School After School Safety and Enrichment for Teens (ASSETs) Program. Failure to report this data will lead to grant termination per California Education Code Section 8483.7(a)(1)(G).
The Excel workbooks used to complete these reports are attached to this email. One workbook is for 21st CCLC and ASES elementary/middle programs; the other workbook is for high school ASSETs programs. Each workbook includes two tabs for data input:
- Outcome Data for Evaluation
- Continuous Quality Improvement
Attendance Submission Guidance
July 21, 2020
This guidance is being shared to address questions that have received about what is actually to be reported in the After School Support and Information System (ASSIST) for the second semiannual attendance report that is due on July 30, 2020. As the times have changed, CDE needed to update their guidance for reporting attendance for this time period. CDE is aware that the previous guidance sent out on April 27, 2020, did not include some of this information.
Important CDE Updates
July 2020
Important updates from the California Department of Education Expanded Learning Division (EXLD) regarding:
- Survey-Identifying 21st CCLC and ASSETs Programs Charging Fees
- ASES Universal Final Intent to Award
- ASES Frontier Final Intent to Award
COVID-19 Guidance from CDE Expanded Learning Division
As of March 1, 2021
Recent guidance from the California Department of Education Expanded Learning Division (EXLD) has
- ensured grants remain intact,
- programs will receive attendance relief for closures related to COVID-19,
- grant reductions have been suspended, and
- hourly employees and classified staff can continue to be paid.
More specific details are outlined in the below links:
- Suspended 2021-22 Audits (March 1, 2021)
- Extended Timelines for the Kids Code Pilot Grant Program
- Update to Reporting Attendance for FY20-21 (February 2, 2021)
- Expanded Learning Guidance on License Exempt Waivers (October 20, 2020)
- Expanded Learning Guidance on Senate Bill 98 (SB 820) (October 9, 2020)
- EXLD Guidance - COVID-19 Frequently Asked Questions 2020-21 (Aug 5, 2020)
- EXLD Guidance on Senate Bill 98 (July 20, 2020)
- Executive Order Extended Until June 30, 2020 (June 8, 2020)
- ASES Kids Code FAQ’s (June 1, 2020)
- Guidance on the Role of Expanded Learning Programs During the COVID-19 Crisis (April 30, 2020)
- EXLD Guidance – Extending Expanded Learning Grants and Attendance and Expenditure Reporting (April 27, 2020)
- EXLD Executive Guidance Order Memo (April 10, 2020)
- Executive Order Provides Flexibility to ASES and 21st CCLC Programs and Expands Access to Child Care for Essential Workers (April 4, 2020)
- EXLD Update on Grant Protection and Paying Program Staff and Partners (March 27, 2020)
The Expanded Learning Division continues to work on providing additional guidance related to expanded learning program grants. If you have any questions, please contact
COVID -19 Guidance From CDE Expanded Learning
April 2020
Recent guidance from the California Department of Education Expanded Learning Division (EXLD) has
- ensured grants remain intact,
- programs will receive attendance relief for closures related to COVID-19,
- grant reductions have been suspended, and
- hourly employees and classified staff can continue to be paid.
For more specific details visit our COVID-19 Resource Center and check out the links below.
- EXLD Executive Guidance Order Memo (April 10, 2020)
- Executive Order Provides Flexibility to ASES and 21st CCLC Programs and Expands Access to Child Care for Essential Workers (April 4, 2020)
- EXLD Update on Grant Protection and Paying Program Staff and Partners (March 27, 2020)
Trying to better understand what all this guidance means for your program? Check out CAN’s recent interviews with EXLD Director, Michael Funk:
- Interview on Governor’s Executive Order and EXLD Guidance Memo (April 13, 2020)
- Interview on EXLD Guidance on Grant Protection and Paying Program Staff and Partners (April 1, 2020)
The Expanded Learning Division continues to work on providing additional guidance related to expanded learning program grants. If you have any questions, please contact
Important CDE Updates
March 2020
Important updates from the California Department of Education Expanded Learning Division (EXLD) regarding:
*Important Due Dates
*Upcoming Regional Events
Important CDE Updates
February 2020
Important updates from the California Department of Education Expanded Learning Division (EXLD) regarding:
*Important Due Dates
*Upcoming Regional Events
Important CDE Updates
January 2020
Important updates from the California Department of Education Expanded Learning Division (EXLD) regarding:
*Important Due Dates
-Annual Performance Report
-Request for Applications Deadlines
-Attendance Relief and Staff Development Day Credit
-First Semiannual Attendance Report & Second Quarter
Expenditure Report Due
*Upcoming Regional Events
Important CDE Updates
December 2019
Important updates from the California Department of Education Expanded Learning Division (EXLD) regarding:
- Important Due Dates
- Annual Performance Report
- Request for Applications Deadlines
- Attendance Relief and Staff Development Day Credit Deadlines
- First Semiannual Attendance Report & Second Quarter Expenditure Report Due
- Resources
- Upcoming Regional Events
Important CDE Updates
November, 2019
November 22, 2019: Updated Program Plan
After School Education and Safety (ASES) grantees who are up for renewal (cycle B) must submit the revised program plan. Click here to access the ASES Program Plan Template.
Tuesday, December, 10, 2019: Annual Performance Report Due
Important CDE Updates
October, 2019
*NEW Expanded Learning Web Pages
The Expanded Learning web pages (formerly called Before and After School web pages) have been recently redesigned to include eight major categories! Please be advised that as the result of these changes, almost all of the existing hyperlinks have changed. Head on over to the CDE website to access updated content today!
Important Dates
Tuesday, October 15: Summer Literacy Expenditure Report Due
Important CDE Updates
September, 2019
Friday, September 13: Policy Committee Applications Due
- The Policy Committee of the Expanded Learning Division is currently looking to recruit new members. The purpose of the Policy Committee is to help clarify policies to support quality programs. To learn more, or apply, click here.
Friday, September 20: Annual Outcome Based Data for Evaluation Due
Important CDE Updates
August, 2019
Thursday, August 15: Attendance and Expenditure Revisions Due
- All grantees have until August 15 to submit FY 18-19 expenditure and attendance revisions to their fiscal analyst. For more information, contact your Regional Analyst.
Friday, September 20: Annual Outcome Based Data for Evaluation Due
Important CDE Updates
July, 2019
Check out key upcoming deadlines from the CDE-EXLD for Attendance Relief Requests/Professional Development Days forms, Expenditure Reports, Attendance Reports, and Annual Outcome Based Data for Evaluations.
Grant Reduction Process: ASES, 21st CCLC, and ASES Programs
This post contains information on the grant reduction process for the After School Education and Safety, 21st Century Community Learning Centers, and 21st Century High School After School Safety and Enrichment for Teens (ASSETs) Programs.
A grant reduction process is required by the California Education Code (EC) sections 8483.7 and 8483.76, effective July 1, 2019. Attached to this post is the Grant Award Reduction Process with examples.
What’s New?
State Superintendent Tony Thurmond Announces Applications for Summer Meal Programs
State Superintendent of Public Instruction Tony Thurmond today announced that applications are available for the Summer Food Service Program (SFSP) and Seamless Summer Option (SSO), both federally funded, state-administered programs that serve free meals to children eighteen and younger when school is out of session.
Five-Year Expanded Learning Strategic Plan 2.0: 2019–2023 Released!
The Expanded Learning Division of the California Department of Education is pleased to announce the Five-Year Expanded Learning Strategic Plan 2.0. There will be multiple workgroups established to help implement each area of the new plan. Stay tuned!
The Strategic Plan 2.0 can be found on the CDE After School Education & Safety Program web page.
Important California Department of Education Updates
Happy New Year!
As a service to the field, CAN provides regular updates and messages from the California Department of Education (CDE). Currently many of these messages are from the Expanded Learning Division (EXLD) but occasionally may include other relevant content from other divisions and offices of CDE.
Past messages can be found under the Messages from the CDE webpage.
Information for schools and programs impacted by wildfires
The Superintendent of Public Instruction, and the California Department of Education’s Early Learning and Care Division, and Expanded Learning Division have recently released a variety of communications to provide information and support for those impacted by wildfires.
State Schools Chief Tom Torlakson Announces New Social Emotional Learning Guidelines
State Superintendent of Public Instruction Tom Torlakson announced that the California Department of Education (CDE) has released new guiding principles for teaching social and emotional skills California’s classrooms and after school settings.
ASES Universal RFA Released
The Expanded Learning Division (EXLD) of the California Department of Education (CDE) is pleased to announce the release of the After School Education and Safety (ASES) Universal Program Request for Applications (RFA) for funding beginning in the 2018–19 state fiscal year. The ASES Universal RFA is for new program sites or for current grantees that wish to apply for increased funding amounts. The final filing date for the ASES Universal application is February 28, 2018, at 5:00 p.m.
Check out the Latest Quality Standards Video from CDE
The California Department of Education – Expanded Learning Division has released the fifth video in a series of videos highlighting the Quality Standards in Action. The purpose of these videos is to serve as a resource to support implementation of the Quality Standards for Expanded Learning in California. This video highlights programs who are implementing the Healthy Choices and Behaviors standard.
Check out the Healthy Choices and Behaviors Video!
For more information and to see all the videos released go to
Annual Outcomes Reporting Due Date Extension for Grantees Affected by Fire
A message from the California Department of Education's Expanded Learning Division
Due to the wildfires burning throughout California, the Expanded Learning Division (EXLD) is extending its deadline for the Annual Outcome-Based Data Report to October 27, 2017, for grantees in the following counties: Alameda, Amador, Butte, Calaveras, Colusa, Contra Costa, El Dorado, Fresno, Kern, Lake, Los Angeles, Mendocino, Napa, Nevada, Orange, Solano, Sonoma, Sutter, and Yuba.
Important Update from the Advisory Committee on Before and After School Programs
The purpose of the Advisory Committee on Before and After School Programs is to provide information and field-informed advice to the California State Superintendent of Public Instruction, California Department of Education After School Division, and the State Board of Education regarding state and federal policy and funding issues affecting before and after school programs.
Updated Template for LCAP is Now Available
The California Department of Education provides regular updates regarding the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) and the Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) through the LCFF web page and listserv. Recently, updates have been posted to the web page regarding the adoption of the LCAP template by the State Board of Education (SBE) as part of the Permanent Regulations. For more information, subscribe to the LCFF listserv by sending a “blank” message to: and check out the CDE Local Control Funding Formula web page.
SB 1221 CDE Implementation Timeline
A message from the CDE After School Division
During the last legislative session, Governor Brown signed into law Senate Bill 1221 (Hancock). This new law amends sections of the California Education Code (EC) related to after school. Major pieces of SB 1221 to be implemented are the following:
Defining Equity Work Group Call for Applicants: Applications Available Now
A Message from the CDE
Building upon the work of the Grants Administration and Policy Strategic Implementation Team of the California Expanded Learning Strategic Planning Process and their vision to develop and implement a collaborative process for review and gather feedback on state (ASES) and federal (21st CCLC) equitable funding distribution processes, the Defining Equity Work Group will focus on defining equity in grant eligibility and award distribution for state ASES and federal 21st CCLC programs.
Policy Guide Committee Call for Applicants: Applications Available Now
A Message from the CDE
The Policy Guide Committee is being formed to develop, implement
and maintain clear policies that support quality programs.
Expanded Learning program policies will include the regulatory
source and corresponding levels of program accountability.
The Policy Guide Committee will also develop and implement a
timely and collaborative process for reviewing, revising, and
notifying the field of new and existing policies.
California Expanded Learning Strategic Planning Website Launched
A Message From the CDE
The California Expanded Learning strategic planning process is a collaboration between after school program practitioners, support providers, the California Department of Education After School Division and K-12 educators. The website will serve as the hub for all the news and opportunities to get involved with the implementation of the strategic plan. Take a look around the website and please share with your colleagues and networks:
21st CCLC Funding Results for 2014-2015 Now Available!
The California Department of Education has just released the funding results for the fiscal year 2014-15.
21st Century High School ASSETs
21st Century Community Learning Centers – Elementary &
Middle Schools
State Schools Chief Tom Torlakson Unveils New Standards for High-Quality After School Programs
A Message from the CDE
SACRAMENTO—Far from being lost time, the hours after school and during summer can be opportunities for students to build on what they learn in the classroom, State Superintendent of Public Instruction Tom Torlakson said today as he released a new set of standards that define expectations for California’s high-quality expanded learning programs.
Release of the 2014-2015 Strategic Plan, “A Vision for Expanded Learning in California”
A Message from the CDE
I am happy to present to you A Vision for Expanded Learning in California, the 2014-2016 Strategic Plan developed by the After School Division in collaboration with the field. The plan was released to the public this morning at todays Before and After School Advisory Committee meeting.
Legislative Change to After School Program Snack Requirement
A Message from the CDE
New legislation pertaining to the snack requirement for ASES,
21st CCLC, and ASSETs programs became effective January 1,
2014. Attached is a handout explaining the change,
comparing the new requirement with the prior requirement, and a
list of suggested resources on meals and snacks served in after
school programs.
For questions about the snack requirements or the option to serve
a meal, please feel free to contact Cindy Schneider, Education
Programs Consultant, After School Division by phone at
916-319-0601 or by email at .
CDE Afterschool Division Posts Guidance on Reporting Costs
Check out the California Department of Education’s updated website to access valuable funding information. After school program grant recipients and sub-contractors looking for assistance in managing administrative costs and how to effectively budget should go to the Direct Services and Administrative Costs Guidance page. Here, recipients will find information on how to properly spend and report all costs as well as detailed information about the “85 percent/15 percent” rule.