New Requirements for ELO-P and ASSETs
Effective January 1, 2024
The California Department of Education
is sharing an important update for Expanded Learning
Opportunities Program (ELO-P) Recipients and 21st Century High
School After School Safety and Enrichment for Teens (ASSETs)
- Per California Education Code (EC), sections 46120(g)(7) and 42238.02(b)(1) Expanded Learning Opportunity (ELO-P) programs are required to prioritize enrollment for pupils who are English language learners, eligible for Free or Reduced-Price Meals, or foster youth. Additionally, EC Section 46120(b)(1) (A-B) requires local educational agencies (LEAs) to operate an ELO program on every school day and for at least 30 nonschool days.
- Per EC, sections 8422(d)(1) and 8422(d)(2), 21st Century High School After School Safety and Enrichment for Teens (ASSETs) programs may operate during after school only or after school and during any combination of before school, weekends, summer, intersession, and vacation.
Effective January 1, 2024, Assembly Bill 373 (Gipson), chaptered into law on October 7, 2023, amended EC sections 48850 and 48853.5, relating to intersession programs, requiring LEAs operating elementary and middle school ELO programs to offer (advertise) and provide (enroll) priority access to homeless and foster youth on any nonschoolday that the program is in operation.
This law also requires ASSETs program grantees to grant priority access to homeless and foster youth on any nonschool day that the program is in operation.
LEAs receiving ELO program funding and ASSETs grantees must ensure compliance with EC sections 48850 and 48853.5 as provided above by January 1, 2024.
For questions regarding this subject, please contact your Regional Educational Program Consultant listed at EXLD Regional Contacts
Expanded Learning Division
California Department of Education