21st Century ASSETs & Elementary/Middle Intent to Award for Fiscal Year 2023-24
In case you missed our E-Blast last
week, we re re-sharing this important information from the CA
Dept. of Education.
The CA Department of Education, Expanded Learning Division recently announced the 21st Century Community Learning Center (21st Century) After School Safety and Enrichment for Teens (ASSETs) & Elementary/Middle Intent to Award for the 2023-24 Fiscal Year. See details below.
Intent to Award for Fiscal Year 2023-24
The Expanded Learning Division recently announced the posting of the Intent to Award for the 21st Century ASSETs Funding Results and the Elementary/Middle Funding Results.
All awards are made contingent upon the availability of federal funds. Funds have been ranked and awarded first by geographic designation, then by priority points, and the Free and Reduced Price Meal (FRPM) percentage rate. The funding cut-off for each geographic designation is listed below:
21st Century ASSETs
- North-Rural: Priority 2 with an FRPM Percentage of 80.58
- North-Urban: Priority 3 with an FRPM Percentage of 63.91
- Central-Rural: Priority 3 with an FRPM Percentage of 84.38
- Central-Urban: Priority 3 with an FRPM Percentage of 81.70
- South-Rural: Priority 3 with an FRPM Percentage of 86.40
- South-Urban: Priority 3 with an FRPM Percentage of 92.77
21st Century Elementary/Middle
- North-urban: Priority 4 with an FRPM Percentage of 93.68
- North-rural: Priority 4 with an FRPM Percentage of 68.00
- Central-urban: Priority 4 with an FRPM Percentage of 97.91
- Central-rural: Priority 5 with an FRPM Percentage of 85.80
- South-urban: Priority 4 with an FRPM Percentage of 87.85
- South-rural: Priority 3 with an FRPM Percentage of 48.00
Please note: The Intent to Award list may change after the grant award appeal period is complete. The final awards will be posted on the CDE website when all data is verified, and appeals are decided.
If you have any questions regarding the intent to award posting, please contact the 21stCCLCandASSETSRFA@cde.ca.gov