APR 2023-24 Reporting-Data Entry Window 1 Opens August 22, 2024
August 13, 2024


CDE logoPlease see the 21 Annual Performance Report (APR) Data Entry Window Open/Close Dates for the 2023–24 performance period:

Data Entry Window 1:

Activities, Staffing, and Participation

August 22, 2024–November 5, 2024 

Data Entry Window 2:

Outcomes and Certification

November 14, 2024–March 7, 2025



IMPORTANT REMINDER: California is a State with the School Year and summer reporting designation. If you have data reported for the School Year term that do not offer summer programming, they should be marked as inactive for the summer term ONLY and have data reported for the School Year term. If you mark the summer term as inactive, this will not display the Outcomes module for those inactive centers for the Summer only. This will not impact your ability to report Outcomes data for those centers for the School Year term.

Since Participation and Outcomes data are directly linked, if a center is not reporting ASP data during Data Entry Window 1, they would not be reporting Outcomes data for this center during Data Entry Window 2.


The Expanded Learning Division is attaching the Implementation Guide that was recently finalized by the U.S. Department of Education (ED) regarding the APR data collection for the 21st Century Community Learning Centers (CCLC) program. Part of this requirement is collecting data for the Government Performance Results Act (GPRA) which helps identify the benefits of our 21st CCLC programs to congress. We understand this will require gathering more student data. We acknowledge and appreciate that this will take more time and effort. 

As a reminder, the Implementation Guide was initially written to help with the implementation of the GPRA at the state level. However, ED has allowed states to share this with our grantees as it has more detailed information including examples of what each GPRA will look like in the system. This guide includes the timelines for data collection and data to input into the 21APR system.

We have outlined the changes in the GPRA for review below. Within the GPRA, each state has been given flexibility to determine how each item (below) will be implemented. This is also known as “State policy.”

Reminder: The data collection for these changes took effect as of July 1, 2021, and grantees have started inputting this into the 21APR system in 2022. 


Government Performance Results Act #1: Academic Achievement

Percentage of students in grades four–eight participating in 21st CCLC programming during the school year and summer who demonstrate growth in reading and language arts on State Assessments.

Percentage of students in grades four–eight participating in 21st CCLC programming during the school year and summer who demonstrate growth in mathematics on State Assessments.

State Policy: The policy for this GPRA is any growth in reading, language arts, and mathematics on State Assessments.


Government Performance Results Act #2: Academic Achievement

Percentage of students in grades seven–eight and ten–twelve attending 21st CCLC programming during the school year and summer with a prior-year unweighted Grade Point Average (GPA) of less than 3.0 who demonstrated an improved GPA.

See Crosswalk below for those that do not use GPA.

Letter Grade

World Grade

Percentage Grade

GPA conversion for GPRA


Exceeding Expectations




Above Expectations




Meets Expectations




Below Expectations




Does not meet Expectations

Below 59



Government Performance Results Act #3: School Day Attendance

Percentage of students in grades one–twelve participating in the 21st CCLC during the school year who had a school day attendance rate at or below 90 percent in the prior school year and demonstrated an improved attendance rate in the current school year.

State Policy: Any improvement in attendance. 


Government Performance Results Act #4: Behavior

Percentage of students in grades one–twelve attending 21st CCLC programming during the school year and summer who experienced a decrease in in-school suspensions compared to the previous school year.

State Policy: Any decrease in in-schools’ suspensions.

Note: If a school does not use in-school suspension, then there is not a decrease to report.


Government Performance Results Act #5: Student Engagement in Learning

Percentage of students in grades one–five participating in 21st CCLC programming in the school year and summer who demonstrated an improvement in teacher reported engagement in learning. 

State Policy:

  • Definition of Engagement: Engagement is defined as strong relationships between students, teachers, families, and schools; and strong connections between schools and the broader community.
  • Definition of teacher: For the purposes of the APR Data collection, a teacher will be defined locally to mean either staff members that work in the Expanded Learning program or staff members that are teachers with the core instructional school day.
  • Programs will need to conduct an Engagement Survey for this GPRA. 



Grade Level and Student Attendance

The number of students who were enrolled and attended programming at the 21st CCLC center during the summer or school year. Choose the grade the students are currently enrolled in or, if summer, the grade level for the just completed school year. Enter the total number of participants who attended based on the number of hours they attended programming at the center. Enter this separately for each grade level. Enter these totals into 21APR for each grade level. Participation in hours must be reported on all students who participate in 21CCLC.

Grade Level

Less than 15 hours

15–44 hours

45–89 hours





270 hours or more















1st Grade







2nd Grade







3rd Grade







4th Grade







5th Grade







6th Grade







7th Grade







8th Grade







9th Grade







10th Grade







11th Grade







12th Grade







State Policy: 45 Minutes = 1 hour


If you have any questions, need assistance to reset your password, or would like to verify your data has been submitted into the reporting system; please contact Andrea Shumate, Associate Governmental Program Analyst, Expanded Learning Division, by phone at 916-445-5620 or by email at ashumate@cde.ca.gov.

If you have any questions on the new reporting requirements please contact Josh Brady, Administrator, Expanded Learning Division at Jbrady@cde.ca.gov.

If you have technical problems with the reporting system, please contact:

21st CCLC APR Help Desk

Help Desk Hours: Monday-Friday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. (Eastern Standard Time)

Phone Number: 1-888-282-4589

Email: 21apr@thetactilegroup.com