Attendance Submission Guidance
July 21, 2020
This guidance is being shared to address questions that have received about what is actually to be reported in the After School Support and Information System (ASSIST) for the second semiannual attendance report that is due on July 30, 2020. As the times have changed, CDE needed to update their guidance for reporting attendance for this time period. CDE is aware that the previous guidance sent out on April 27, 2020, did not include some of this information.
However, the Expanded Learning Division (EXLD) needs an accurate count of what the impact was during the COVID-19 and we can only get that through accurate data being reported for Expanded Learning Programs. Please remember, any reported loss or reduction in attendance will not impact the After School Education and Safety (ASES) and the 21stCentury Community Learning Center grant funding during this period. EXLD is asking that everyone does their best to capture attendance during these unprecedented times so we can assess the impact in the future.
Attendance is currently being collected in ASSIST for the second semiannual attendance report for Fiscal Year 2019–20, and is due on July 30, 2020. This report will be for the time period covering (January 1, 2020–June 30, 2020).
In this reporting period, grantees will be reporting attendance from January 1, 2020 until their programs closed for COVID-19. If you were able to get a Distance Learning-Expanded Learning Program operating during this reporting period, we do want that attendance captured in ASSIST as well. Grantees will (1) combine both totals together for in-person attendance for students served and distance learning attendance for students served and (2) both totals together for days of operation for in-person and distance learning days. In addition, the EXLD wants to capture attendance for those programs that operated an in-person ASES program that were serving critical infrastructure essential workers per California Executive Order N-45-20.
Please note: We realize the executive order that went until June 30, 2020, gave some flexibility for our funds to be used for grab-and-go meal disbursements, etc. If our funds were used to run any programs other than Expanded Learning Programs, we do not want that data reported in ASSIST.
*These guidelines are only for this reporting period, due to Senate Bill 98, Statutes of 2020, the reporting guidance may change for the next attendance cycle from July 1, 2020–December 31, 2020. We will share the guidance as soon as it is finalized.
If you have any questions about this information please contact your regional Fiscal Analyst. Please visit the California Department of Education Contact the EXLD web page to find your regional Fiscal Analyst at