California Ranks Number One for After School!
Although More Work Remains Before All Children Have Access to a Program
The Afterschool Alliance recently released America After 3PM, during an audio news conference featuring Arnold Schwarzenegger and Afterschool Alliance Executive Director, Jodi Grant. America After 3PM is a national household survey that assesses participation, access, public support for after school, and family satisfaction with after school programs. Based on their findings California is ranked number one in the nation in after school!
The report revealed that over 1.6 million children in California participate in an after school program, yet over 2.4 million children would be enrolled in a program if one were available to them. With 86% of California’s parents supporting public funding for after school programs, the report outlines there remains more work to be done to ensure that all children in California are able to benefit from an after school program.
“California has made great progress creating after school opportunities for its children, and can be proud of that,” said Afterschool Alliance Executive Director Jodi Grant. “But there’s no question that more work remains. Most parents in the state who want their child in an after school program can’t find one that works for them, and that needs to change. Quality after school programs keep kids safe, inspire them to learn, and help working families. Every California family that needs an after school program should have access to one.”
While the California AfterSchool Network is committed to the work ahead, we would like to thank you for the work you do every day to make California the number one state in the nation for after school programs.