Fiscal Year 2020-21 Attendance Reporting Guidelines
November 2020
Since March 2020, the California Department of Education (CDE) has issued several guidance documents that support legislative changes impacting the After School Education and Safety, 21st Century Community Learning Centers, and, the After School Safety and Education for Teens grants in fiscal year (FY) 2020–21.
The following attendance reporting guidelines are in accordance with Senate Bill (SB) 98, statute issued on June 29, 2020. The SB 98 authorized the CDE to waive California Education Code Section 8483.7, thereby omitting grant reductions to programs experiencing a decrease in program attendance in FY 2020–21. Due to this waiver, grantees are assured that reporting attendance for FY 2020–21 will not have an adverse fiscal impact on their grant.
In addition to collecting, retaining, and reporting attendance for general purposes; grantees will use this guidance to report attendance to the annual statewide evaluation for FY 2020–21 and may use this data to assess quality programming through the Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) process.
The guidance applies to the following enrolled student-types: (1) School-aged children of critical infrastructure workers, (2) Local Educational Agency (LEA)/district students from funded school sites, and (3) LEA/district students from unfunded school sites.
Additionally, grantees using FY 2019–20 funds executed in FY 2020–21 due to an extension of FY 2019–20 funds to Quarters 5 and 6 will report attendance according to this guidance for FY 2020–21.
Report in the After School Support and Information System
Grantees will report the following types of attendance data in the After School Support and Information System (ASSIST):
- Using a local attendance data collection process, record site level daily attendance at all program sites, in person or distance learning; report all enrolled students once each day whether in-person or distance learning; retain this data and report in the semiannual attendance report.
- Report semiannual attendance in the ASSIST (first semiannual report due January 2021; second semiannual report due June 2021).
- Attendance associated with the grant extension to serve additional students using FY 2019–20 funds during the period July 1, 2020 to December 31, 2020, will be combined with the current FY and reported in the ASSIST for all student-types in the first semiannual attendance report for FY 2020–21.
Track/Retain Data
In addition to the data reported in the ASSIST, the guidance below is intended for attendance record retention. The purpose is for grantees to retain attendance data for input into the Annual Outcome-based Data for Evaluation (AOBDE), for audit purposes, and for CQI.
Retain all attendance data for CQI and records retention; attendance data may also be used to “tell your COVID-19 story”.
- Collect/retain Statewide Student Identifiers (SSIDs) for all the above student-types (where SSIDs for these students are available) for reporting in the AOBDE for FY 2020–21.
- In LEA/district records: (1) track/retain attendance of student-type (2) separate from student-type (3), only student-type (2) will be reported in the AOBDE in FY 2020–21.
- In LEA/district records, track/retain student type (1) and student type (3) separately for audit purposes.
- In LEA/district records, track/retain attendance supported by grant extension funds from FY 2019–20 incurred during the period July 1, 2020 to December 31, 2020 and reported in the ASSIST in FY 2020–21 separately for audit purposes.
If you have any questions about this information please contact your Regional Consultant or Fiscal Analyst. The regional contact information may be found at