Get Them While They’re Hot! Additional Resources
- Gallup/Microsoft Study: What Works in Schools is Real Work
- Playworks’: Recess Checkup
- The Measuring SEL Project: Equity & Social and Emotional Learning: A Cultural Analysis Brief
- The National Equity Project: Social Emotional Learning and Equity
What Works in Schools is Real Work results indicate that young workers in the U.S. who reported learning 21st century skills in their last year of school are more likely to say they have higher work quality.
Provide feedback about the state of play at your school for a chance to win a subscription to Playworks’ online learning platform and a link to download Playworks’ guide on Games for Social Emotional Learning.
The Equity & Social and Emotional Learning: A Cultural Analysis brief outlines how a subset of SEL competencies (including self-management, self-awareness, and social awareness) reflect issues of equity and highlights programs and practices that support the development of these competencies in a way that promotes educational equity.
The National Equity Project Brief outlines pitfalls and recommendations for educators seeking to implement SEL to make progress on equity and inclusion.