Social Emotional Learning


Social & Emotional Learning


Social-Emotional Learning Resources from ExtenED Notes

After school programs can easily incorporate social-emotional and leadership activities for students that will help them learn how to identify and work through their emotional responses rather than act out. ExtendED Notes’ SEL tools and activities that will help you enhance social-emotional development in your after school curriculum, along with team building exercises that teach valuable communication and inter-personal skills. Check out these simple strategies to help improv


Afterschool Alliance Presents the SEL Toolkit

Social and emotional learning (SEL) plays a crucial role in ensuring the overall health and academic and future success of students. The Afterschool Alliance created the SEL Toolkit to help explain what SEL is, how SEL connects to the afterschool field, and how to make the case to support SEL, as well as includes webinars, issue briefs, program spotlights, blogs, and more to highlight promising practices and strategies.


SEL Resources for Back to School!

Back to school time is here! As we prepare for students to start the new school year, let’s ensure teachers and educators have the tools they need to make their schools safer, and more inclusive, to welcome back ALL students. Below, we’ve provided a few resources for parents and after school professionals to help ease the back-to-school butterflies and kick off the year with a highlight on Social Emotional Learning!


The Aspen Institute: The Brain Basis for Integrated Social, Emotional, and Academic Development

The Aspen Institute’s Commission on Social, Emotional and Academic Development has released the The Brain Basis for Integrated Social, Emotional, and Academic Development . The publication explores how emotions and relationships drive learning and are a fundamental part of how our brains develop. The human brain can evolve, adapt, and form new neural networks based on learned experiences and relationships.


State Superintendent Tom Torlakson Announcement: Guide to Social Emotional Learning Resources

In December 2018, former State Superintendent of Public Instruction Tom Torlakson released the Social Emotional Learning in California: A Guide to Resources. The guide was developed by experts in the field and members of the California Department of Education’s Social and Emotional Learning State Team and offers a toolkit of resources that will assist educators in serving the social and emotional needs of the whole child.