Important Update from the Advisory Committee on Before and After School Programs


The purpose of the Advisory Committee on Before and After School Programs is to provide information and field-informed advice to the California State Superintendent of Public Instruction, California Department of Education After School Division, and the State Board of Education regarding state and federal policy and funding issues affecting before and after school programs. The Committee meets four times annually, and the next meeting will be held on August 25, 2015 (access the meeting agenda and logistics). 

Over the last year, the Defining Equity Committee, comprised of stakeholders throughout the state and members of the After School Division staff, has met to define equity in grant eligibility and award distribution for state ASES and federal 21st CCLC programs as part of the state implementation of the Vision for Expanded Learning in California 2014-2016 Strategic Plan. The Committee is in the process of finalizing their recommendations, which will be presented at the August 25th Advisory Committee meeting in draft form.