Potential Cohort 16 21st CCLC RFA Changes – UPDATE
March 10, 2025

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The Expanded Learning Division (EXLD) previously sent the email below notifying you of potential changes for the Cohort 16 21st Century Community Learning Centers (21st CCLC) Request for Applications (RFA). We have revised the dates to be in alignment with our funding from the U.S. Department of Education. We will adhere to past practice of funding three cohorts at a time with 21st CCLC funding. The cohorts being funded are Cohorts 13, 14, and 15 with Cohort 13 funds ending on June 30, 2027. The Cohort 16 awards will be effective July 1, 2027. Please refer to the following revised timeline/dates for implementation of these potential changes. Future opportunities to engage and solicit feedback for these potential changes from Grantees will include a session at BOOST on Tuesday, April 29th at 1:00 p.m. More information can be found here: California Department of Education

The California Department of Education (CDE) EXLD would like to notify the field of potential changes that will be part of the Cohort 16 21st CCLC RFA. Please note, the following potential changes are currently being reviewed and vetted by various interest holders including The Advisory Committee on Before and After School Programs, CDE’s Legal and internal approval process and therefore, subject to edits or omissions once the RFA is final and posted on our website: 

Intent to Apply: All applicants must complete and submit an Intent to Submit an Application to the EXLD. Failure to submit this form will result in the applicant being unable to apply for the Cohort 16 21st CCLC RFA.

  • Change in the timeline: To be timelier with the Grant Award Notifications, we will be moving up the timeline. We anticipate the release of the RFA in August 2026 with an October due date. This change in the timeline will impact when the CDE can access the required data for several components of the RFA, including:
  • Grant Reductions: We will use the grant reduction data that will be disseminated in Spring of 2026 based off attendance in calendar year 2025.
  • Free and Reduced Priced Meal Data: We will acquire this data from FY 25–26 or the most recent data available on the CDE website prior to the RFA application deadline.
  • Title 1 Status: We will acquire Title 1 status from FY 25–26 or the most recent data available on the CDE website prior to the RFA application deadline.
  • Grant Reductions: We will be implementing grant reductions. If a site has experienced a grant reduction, they will not receive a priority item for having an expiring or previous grant.
  • Narrative Review: Narratives will be reviewed after the posted intent to award by qualified reviewers.
  • Assessment: Instead of six individual assessments, each applicant and co-applicant(s) must complete a 20-question assessment with a score of no less than 75%.

If you have any additional questions about these changes, please contact Joshua Brady at: jbrady@cde.ca.gov.