Trailer Bill Impacts: Intent to Run ELO-P

graphic with a bear and california poppies that says, "More information coming soon."

SB-153 Education finance: education omnibus budget trailer bill outlines changes to ELO-P, requiring LEAs to declare their annual intent to run a program.

What’s New

Beginning in FY 2025–26 local educational agencies (LEAs) shall annually declare their operational intent to run an ELO-P to the California Department of Education (CDE).

The CDE will provide instructions and forms for this process. This process including the instructions and forms are still to be developed. As more details are known they will be shared out in various forums including Fireside Chats, Office Hours, newsletter/e-blast updates from CAN, and official information posted on the CDE website. 

Additionally, to the extent possible, any funds made available by LEA decisions not to operate an ELO-P may be reallocated to “Rate 2″ LEAs. See the Rate 2 section for more details on Rate 2 LEAs.

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