CAN Policy Newsletter – California’s Budget Agreement & Expanded Learning
July 10, 2024

Policy Newsletter
Image with a bear, scales of justice, california poppies, and text that says, "California Budget Signed"

In late June the Governor and Legislature reached an agreement on the 2024-25 California Budget and on June 26, Governor Newsom signed the Budget Act of 2024 (AB 107). Governor Newsom made it clear that the budget would maintain strong support for schools, including Expanded Learning. 

“We’re also finally fulfilling the vision of before and after school as well as summer school for all, investing billions of dollars to make it universal.” -Governor Newsom

FY 2024/2025 Budget Impacts on Expanded Learning

We are happy to share that the California Legislature and Governor Newsom have maintained their commitment to Expanded Learning programs. Despite fiscal challenges, funding for Expanded Learning remains stable:

  • Maintains $4 billion in ongoing funding for ELO-P (Expanded Learning Opportunities Program).
  • Maintains existing reimbursement rates for ASES and 21st CCLC programs.

Budget Trailer Bill Impacts On Expanded Learning

The signed budget typically requires changes to existing laws to implement the budget changes which are outlined in “trailer bills: organized by issue areas such as “K-12”, “higher education”, and “housing.” Trailer bills take effect immediately upon the Governor’s signature and typically only require a majority vote.

SB-153 Education finance: education omnibus budget trailer bill was signed into law on June 29, 2024 and has several impacts to Expanded Learning (outlined in more detail in the newsletter below):

What’s Next for the Budget?

Governor Newsom approved all remaining 2024 budget bills on Tuesday, July 2 and the Department of Finance has released its annual enacted budget summary.

State leaders will return from Summer Recess on August 5th (access the 2024 CA Legislative Calendar and Deadlines). They will revisit the 2024-25 budget package to finalize any ”clean up” needed for the budget through Trailer Bills and “Budget Bill Juniors” (According to the California Budget & Policy Center, Budget Bill Junior is the informal term to describe any budget bill that amends the Budget Act. Multiple Budget Bill Jrs. may be described using Roman numerals (Budget Bill Jr. I, Budget Bill Jr. II, etc.). The Assembly Budget Committee has scheduled a hearing on budget reserves and 2025 oversight and accountability priorities on Tuesday, August 6.

Meanwhile, the administration is already preparing the governor’s 2025-26 budget proposal, to be released by January 10.

Helpful Resources

Policy and advocacy opportunities are year-round! Here are some resources to help you stay engaged:

In This Newsletter:

Join Our Team, Senior Specialist, Policy & Outreach

CAN is Hiring!
July 2024

Exciting news! We are hiring a Senior Specialist to join the Policy and Outreach team at CAN!

Senior Specialist – Policy & Outreach 

The Senior Specialists’ primary responsibility, under the supervision of CAN’s Director of Policy and Outreach, will be to oversee and manage a strategic design process resulting in an “Ecosystem Plan to Leverage California’s Expanded Learning Infrastructure.” This strategic design process and plan will build on the foundation of A Vision for Expanded Learning in California, Strategic Plans 1.0 and 2.0. This role will work with the CAN Director Team to hold the primary responsibility for oversight of the design process including garnering data from multiple interest-holders, designing, implementing, reflecting on, and continuously improving implementation efforts for maximum impact. This includes completing associated financial and administrative tasks, convening multiple teams, and providing leadership, guidance, and support for different configurations of interest holders with unique roles and responsibilities to ensure the success of this process.


CDE Update: Expanded Learning Division (EXLD) Grant Reduction Process – Calendar Year 2024
July 10, 2024

CA Department of Education logo The California Department of Education (CDE), Expanded Learning Division (EXLD), recently shared information on the grant reduction process for the After School Education and Safety, 21st Century Community Learning Centers, and 21st Century High School After School Safety and Enrichment for Teens (ASSETs) Programs.

A grant reduction process is required by California Education Code (EC) sections 8483.7 and 8483.76, effective July 1, 2025. 

What’s New?

California Department of Education logo

Leadership Opportunity for Students!
The State Board of Education is recruiting for its Student Member

The California State Board of Education is actively recruiting to find its Student Board Member for the 2025-26 school year. Do you want to represent the voice and perspectives of millions of students across California? Your input ensures that student concerns and interests are considered in educational policymaking and decisions made by the State Board of Education. If you or someone you know qualifies for the Student Member position and wishes to apply, please click here to access the application and for more details on how to apply now through Sept. 20.

Fall 2024 ELO-P Academy Teaser

Fall 2024 ELO-P Academy!
Details Coming Soon!

It’s official – the California AfterSchool Network, in partnership with the CA Dept. of Education’s Expanded Learning Division, will be co-hosting the Fall 2024 Expanded Learning Opportunities Program Academy!

Keep an eye out for details coming soon!