CDE Update on Grant Reduction Suspension
January 21, 2022
The Expanded Learning
Division (EXLD) has received communications
from the After School Education and Safety as
as 21st Century Community Learning Centers grantees
across the state requesting the suspension of grant reductions
for 2022 due to ongoing external circumstances. The
EXLD has heard you and understands the challenges of
COVID, workforce shortages, and the impact current circumstances
are having on attendance resulting in the concern regarding
future grant reductions.
Similar concerns are being shared from other parts of education and there are broader discussions being held that include these concerns. For example, the legislature is currently considering alternatives to the traditional Average Daily Attendance funding for schools.
As a result of broader discussions and impacts, any grant reduction suspension decision for expanded learning programs is pending. It is important to remember since data are used for grant reductions based on a calendar year, any decision regarding grant reductions would not happen until after 2022. The EXLD will monitor other education policy decisions and the conditions and trends for expanded learning attendance.
The EXLD will communicate with the field as this issue is acted on in the broader K–12 system. The EXLD will not be accepting Attendance Relief Requests at this time. Please keep a record of all program closures and disruptions for future reference.
Thank you for doing everything possible to support our students and their families.
Michael Funk
Director, Expanded Learning Division
California Department of Education