Important California Department of Education Updates
Happy New Year!
As a service to the field, CAN provides regular updates and messages from the California Department of Education (CDE). Currently many of these messages are from the Expanded Learning Division (EXLD) but occasionally may include other relevant content from other divisions and offices of CDE.
Past messages can be found under the Messages from the CDE webpage.
What’s New:
After School Education and Safety (ASES) Kids Code Grant Pilot Program Funding Results
The CDE is pleased to announce the After School Education and Safety (ASES) Kids Code Grant Pilot Program (Kids Code Program) funding results has been released. Funds in the amount of $15,000,000.00 was appropriated to expand access to coding for students participating in the ASES Program in the form of a one-time competitive grant.
Using the California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement Data System, grant awards were determined based on the highest Free and Reduced Price Meal data. Applicants only competed for funding against other applicants in their region. Applicants that wish to appeal a disqualification or an Intent to Award decision, must submit a letter of appeal to the CDE.
Upcoming Deadlines:
Tuesday, January 22 (no later than 4:00pm):
After School Education and Safety Program (ASES) Universal RFA*
ASES Program Frontier Transportation RFA
ASES Program Renewal (Cycle A)*
*The EXLD has prepared a new cheat sheet of required forms for ASES Universal vs. ASES Renewal. Check it out!
Thursday, January 31:
Professional Development Attendance Credit
First Semi-annual Attendance Report
Second Quarter Expenditure Report