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Budget is Signed! and Other Leg Updates
Fireside Chat: July 1, 2022

Budget is Signed! and Other Leg Updates

Join us for our 43rd Fireside Chat! In this chat, Heather Williams from the California AfterSchool Network is joined by Michael Funk, Director of the Expanded Learning Division of the California Department of Education (EXLD),.

The 22-23 budget has been signed! Hear the latest on what it means for the Expanded Learning in California. We also cover the latest on two pieces of legislation related to our Expanded Learning programs.

Access Budget and Legislation Information referenced below:

E-mail blast

Use Your Voice in the Power of Us 2022 Workforce Survey!

Power of Us Survey logo

Millions of professionals and volunteers work with young people every day in the many settings where youth play, learn, and grow outside of the school day. Yet, we have little collective information about this essential workforce. You can help change this!

STEAM Newsletter

STEAM Newsletter – Engineers and The Great Outdoors
June 28, 2022

Students on a hike outdoors

For the month of June, the Million Girls Moonshot and all of its partners celebrate the amazing work that women engineers around the world are doing to support lives and livelihoods every day. This month, we are highlighting resources that program providers and others can utilize to profile the best, brightest and bravest women in engineering, the inventors and innovators who dare to be part of the solution and are helping to build towards a brighter future!

Health and Wellness Newsletter

CAN Health & Wellness Newsletter – Improving Adolescent Mental Health
May 24, 2022

Black Scrabble pieces spelling out "Mental Health Matters"

May is Mental Health Awareness Month. As we continue to live in the “new normal,” we have become aware of the unprecedented mental health crisis affecting our youth as well as adults. Use this month to learn about mental health and how to fight the stigma to help the ones in your community get the resources they deserve.

This month’s newsletter shares many resources on mental health: how to prioritize one’s mental health, resources for the classroom, and more. 


ELO-P: May Revise Budget & Policy Updates
Fireside Chat: May 18, 2022

ELO-P: May Revise Budget & Policy Updates

Join us for our 42nd Fireside Chat! In this chat, Heather Williams from the California AfterSchool Network is joined by Michael Funk, Director of the Expanded Learning Division of the California Department of Education (EXLD), and two of his staff: Sterling Williams and Jen Taylor.

Hear the latest on the Governor’s proposed May Revise budget and updated Trailer Bill Language and what it means for the Expanded Learning Opportunities Program!

While there’s lots of exciting news, there is also more action needed to ensure the success and sustainability of Expanded Learning programs in California – be on the lookout for more info coming soon!


ELO-P Discussion with Region 6
Fireside Chat: April 7, 2022

ELO-P Discussion with Region 6

Join us for our 41st Fireside Chat! In this inspiring chat, Heather Williams from the California AfterSchool Network is joined by Michael Funk, Director of the Expanded Learning Division of the California Department of Education, and a few of the amazing folks from Region 6 including members of the System of Support team and local providers including:

  • Kelly Faustino, Education Programs Consultant, CDE Expanded Learning Division
  • Danielle Jones, Afterschool Planning Coordinator | System of Support for Expanded Learning County Lead; Stanislaus County Office of Education | Prevention and Expanded Learning Programs
  • Junior Cueva, Director of Operations, Boys & Girls Clubs of Tracy
  • Tony Lomeli, Director, Student Support Services, Modesto City Schools

The Region 6 crew digs into how they are leveraging the opportunities of the moment, including unprecedented funding, to meet the individual needs of children, youth, and families.

Chat Resources


Interview with Oak Valley UESD
Fireside Chat: March 9, 2022

Interview with Oak Valley UESD

Join us for our 40th fireside chat. In this chat, Heather Williams from the California AfterSchool Network is joined by Michael Funk, Director of the Expanded Learning Division of the California Department of Education, and Heather Pilgrim, Superintendent of Oak Valley Union Elementary School District.

Heather and Michael provide a few reflections on conversations they’ve had with districts regarding ELO-P implementation and then chat further with Heather Pilgrim about her challenges with ELO-P and how she is started to navigate through the implementation process and leverage the opportunities available with the ELO program.

CAN Newsletter

CAN Newsletter – Celebrating Women’s History Month!
March 9, 2022

Women's History Month

Every year in March, we celebrate women, their achievements, and their tremendous contributions to our society. Women’s History month also includes International Women’s Day which is observed on March 8th across the world. Each year the National Women’s History Alliance chooses a theme for Women’s History Month and this year, the theme for 2022 is “Women Providing Healing, Promoting Hope.” Women educators across California, especially in our Expanded Learning and Out of School Time programs, have gone above and beyond to create inclusive enviro

Clone of E-mail blast

CDE Update on Grant Reduction Suspension
January 21, 2022

CA Dept. of Education LogoThe Expanded Learning Division (EXLD) has received communications from the After School Education and Safety as well as 21st Century Community Learning Centers grantees across the state requesting the suspension of grant reductions for 2022 due to ongoing external circumstances. The EXLD has heard you and understands the challenges of COVID, workforce shortages, and the impact current circumstances are having on attendance resulting in the concern regarding future grant reductions.


Expanded Learning Policy Updates & Interviews with District Leaders
Fireside Chat: January 14, 2022

Expanded Learning Policy Updates & Interviews with District Leaders

Join us for our 39th fireside chat. In this chat, Heather Williams from the California AfterSchool Network is joined by Michael Funk, Director of the Expanded Learning Division of the California Department of Education and leaders from three different LEAs:

  • Jennifer Collier, Expanded Learning Coordinator, Galt Joint Union Elementary School District
  • Julie Boesch, Ed.D., Superintendent/Principal, Maple Elementary School District
  • Julie McCalmont, Coordinator, Expanded Learning Programs, Oakland Unified School District
  • Priscilla Parchia, Program Manager, Expanded Learning ExLO, Oakland Unified School District

Heather and Michael provide a couple quick policy updates and our LEA leaders discuss practical ideas about how their districts are planning to leverage their ELO-P funding.


Governor’s Proposed Budget for 2022-23
January 12, 2022

Image of Gov. Gavin Newsom standing at a podium during a news conference.Governor’s Proposal Has Billions in Education & Other Child Investments

On Monday, January 10, California Governor Newsom released his proposed budget for Fiscal Year (FY) 2022-23.

With unprecedented funding available for CA’s budget, there are again significant increases in the K-12 budget and other budgets that support California’s children and families.

A few highlights specifically for Expanded Learning include:

STEAM Newsletter

STEAM Newsletter – Happy New Year!
January 18, 2022

Girl holding dirt with a plant sprout in her hands

The start of a new year is a perfect opportunity to reflect on past achievements and upcoming goals for the future.

We debuted our STEAM newsletter in February of last year and since then, we have continued to share resources to encourage STEAM learning. This year, we hope we can continue to further the collective goal of providing a million more girls with STEM learning opportunities and transform the communities we live in for a better tomorrow. 


Registration is Now Live! ELO-P Planning Workshop
Wednesday, January 19, 2022; 9:00 AM -11:00 AM

Register for the ELO-P event!

Registration for the ELO-P Planning Workshop event is now live! 

The ELO Program Planning Workshop will provide the latest details on the Expanded Learning Opportunities (ELO) Program. The two hour workshop will consist of two 1 hour sessions, each with the majority of the time spent in an interactive breakout session. Feel free to join for just one or both of the sessions:

  • Session A: 9:00 – 10:00 AM
  • Session B: 10:00 – 11:00 AM

Access more event info.

Register today!

CAN Newsletter

CAN Newsletter – Happy New Year!
January 13, 2022

Scrabble pieces spelling out Happy New Year

Happy 2022! The California AfterSchool Network team would like to wish each and every one of you a happy and healthy new year! 

We are grateful for a new year and new opportunities, and we realize the year has started off quite bumpy with the COVID 19 Omicron variant and its impacts on California communities and across the nation. We are hopeful things will start to settle down and improve enough to allow schools and programs to effectively and appropriately support children, youth, and families in our CA communities.


Early Release and Late Arrival Guidance Revised
December 17, 2021

CA Department of Education LogoThe Policy Committee of the Expanded Learning Division has revised the guidance for the Late Arrival and Early Release policy as required in the California Education Code (EC). The previous guidance was more restrictive than the EC supported. The revised guidance is now aligned with the EC and includes Frequently Asked Questions and Promising Practices.