Strategic Planning 2.0


Strategic Planning 2.0

At the end of 2017, the EXLD conducted a thorough review of SP1.0 and implementation efforts to date, identifying work completed, in progress, or not yet addressed and opportunities to apply a CQI lens to some of the work that has already been completed.

An aggressive work plan for 2018 was developed to address outstanding work. In addition, recognizing that much of the work set out in the original strategic plan had already been completed or is nearing completion, the EXLD launched a new strategic planning process. On September 27, 2018, the EXLD hosted a large convening of over 120 CDE staff and field stakeholders to identify goals and objectives for four outlined strategic initiative areas (Quality Programs, Policy and Grant Administration, Collaborative Partnerships, and Workforce). The convening culminated in the release of the Strategic Plan 2.0 (SP2.0). This plan builds upon the previous four years of work and set the direction for the next five.

Learn more about the Strategic Plan 2.0 Process and Implementation Work: