Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
Teaching Tolerance Shares Reading Together: A Guide for Families and Educators
The first step toward social justice is for communities to come together. In partnership with the University of Colorado, Boulder, Teaching Tolerance is proud to release, Reading Together: A Guide for Families and Educators, a guide that offers step-by-step instruction and workbook designed to ensure that families and educators are equal partners in creating a multi-generational reading group.
Strategies Schools Can Use To Become More Trauma-Informed
“If you’re fearful, if you’re anxious, if you’re distracted about something that’s happened to you, you literally can’t learn. Your brain shuts down,” LPI President Linda Darling-Hammond explains in this article and accompanying video on trauma-informed instruction. This story is part of a series by KQED’s Mindshift and Edutopia and features videos from Edutopia’s “How Learning Happens” series.