Health & Wellness Newsletters


Health & Wellness Newsletters

Stay up to date with all things Health and Wellness by signing up for the Health and Wellness newsletter! The newsletter is sent out quarterly and keeps subscribers informed about new policies, laws, grants, funding opportunities, and free resources! Check out recent and past newsletters, and don’t forget to sign up (under “Stay Informed”)!

Health and Wellness Newsletter

CAN Health & Wellness Newsletter- It’s Time for a Safe Transition Back to School
October 27, 2021

Image if young child walking with hands on head and breathing.

Welcome to CAN’s Health & Wellness Newsletter! In the third installment of our revamped Newsletter, we will continue to share content surrounding the Whole Child Health and Wellness Vision as well as other approaches that prioritize the cumulative wellness of students in our Expanded Learning programs. As schools navigate the fall school year and new funding opportunities in California to support young people, operating safely is a priority, for all students and educators. 

CAN Newsletter

Register Today for the AB86 ELO Grant Convening

Register Today

As part of the  Assembly Bill (AB) 86 COVID-19 relief package $4.6 billion will be distributed to LEAs through the Expanded Learning Opportunities Grant, which can be used for extended instructional learning time, learning supports, health, counseling mental health and social emotional learning, community learning hubs, supports for credit deficient pupils, and training for school staff.


Whole Child Health and Wellness Strategic Direction and Call to Action
April 2021

Creating Conditions for Thriving

CAN is excited to release our Statement of Strategic Direction Toward Equity-Driven Whole Child Health and Wellness. This document is a culmination of the work of the Whole Child Health and Wellness Collaborative (consisting of multi-sector stakeholders from health, mental health, social services, substance use prevention/intervention/treatment, education, expanded learning, and child and family advocacy) throughout 2020. The multi-sector-informed Statement of Strategic Direction outlines a vision where every child is well known, well cared for, and well prepared to thrive.  The statement also includes ”shared equity strategies” that can be implemented from the state to the site-level through cross-sector partnership with Expanded Learning Programs to meet critical needs and advance Whole Child Health and Wellness. It is accompanied by a shorter Call To Action

CAN Newsletter

CAN Health and Wellness Newsletter – Whole Child Health and Wellness Launch
February 4, 2020

Image of Page One of Event Summary

Many thanks to those who joined the December 18 launch of the Collaborative to Advance Whole Child Health and Wellness. It was an extraordinary day and we deeply appreciate the gift of time that you made to the launch of this strategic planning process.

We are happy to provide a brief two-page summary of the amazing work that was accomplished that day with links to the full body of notes.

Health and Wellness Newsletter

NuPA Newsletter – May is National Bike Month
May 2019

Change it up and ride your bike! Metrolink in the Los Angeles County will be kicking off National Bike Month by biking together rather than driving alone! Bicycling to work means fewer cars on the road and less pollution. It can also save you money while providing a fun and safe way for kids and adults to get in much needed physical activity. An often overlooked, but extremely important aspect of Bike Month is bicycle safety.

E-mail blast

NuPA Newsletter – March is National Nutrition Month!
March 2019

National Nutrition Month® is an annual nutrition education and information campaign created by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. The campaign, celebrated each year during the month of March, focuses on the importance of making informed food choices and developing sound eating and physical activity habits.

E-mail blast

NuPA Newsletter – October 15, 2018

Welcome back to school!

The Nutrition and Physical Activity Action Team is thrilled to be back from Summer break, and providing you with tons of afterschool updates and NuPA resources. We hope that you find the information in this newsletter valuable and continue to stay tuned for future NuPA newsletters. Do you have a friend or colleague you would like to share the newsletter with? Send them the link to the CAN NuPA newsletter webpage where they can access the newsletter and sign up to receive future action team correspondence!

E-mail blast

NuPA Newsletter – Hello, Summer!

Hello Expanded Learning Professionals,

Summertime and sunshine is finally here! The California Afterschool Network’s Nutrition and Physical Activity Planning Team would like to wish everyone a safe, sunsoaked, and relaxing summer break. This will be our final newsletter of the school year, and we hope you find the resources shared to be useful during the summer months. We look forward to re-connecting with everyone after the break! 

E-mail blast

NuPA Newsletter – April 12, 2018

Hello Expanded Learning Professionals,

Did you know, April is Move More Month?! Take a moment to think of ways you can incorporate more physical activity into your daily life and make April your most active month ever. During this month, people across the country are innovating ways to get their communities more physically active. However you decide to stay active this month, spread the word and share with your friends!


E-mail blast

NuPA Newsletter – February 21 2018
New Year, New NuPA Action Team!

Hello Expanded Learning Professionals!

The Nutrition and Physical Activity Planning Committee would like to take the opportunity to thank you for your continued hard work and dedication in 2017, and to update you on some recent changes made since last year. As you might have noticed, what was previously called the NuPA Committee is now the NuPA Action Team! The change in name aligns with the new requirement for “committees” to create and implement annual action plans that will help advance field capacity beginning January 2018. In addition to receiving quarterly newsletters, the new structure will provide Nutrition and Physical Activity subscribers with the opportunity to support a one-year work plan with specific objectives. Check out the NUPA Action Team video  to see all the exciting work we have planned for this year!


NuPA Newsletter – April 27, 2017

Hello Nutrition and Physical Activity Committee Members, 

We would like to Congratulate Amira Resnick as the newly elected NuPA Committee Co-chair. Amira is the California Healthy Out-of-School Time Manager with the Alliance for a Healthier Generation. Amira brings years of experience, passion and a new optimistic energy to the NuPA Committee. Congratulations, Amira!

Our next NuPA Committee Meeting will be:


NuPA Newsletter – February 8, 2017

Hello Nutrition and Physical Activity Committee Members, 

Thank you all for participating in the NuPA January 10th Committee Meeting. Attached are the meeting notes and as a follow up to the very informative legislative update provided by the California Food Policy Advocates, you can find more information by accessing the CFPA’s 2017 Legislative Agenda

Our next NuPA Committee Meeting will be:


NuPA Newsletter – August 4, 2016

Hello Nutrition and Physical Activity Committee Members, 

In an effort to better connect and inform our NuPA committee members, CAN will begin publishing a NuPA newsletter. In every NuPA newsletter issue, expect to find resourceful information regarding child nutrition and physical activity, current events, and tips. Enjoy and thank you for everything you do!

Our next NuPA committee meeting will be: