CAN Policy Newsletter – May Revise Protects Expanded Learning!
June 5, 2024
May Revise has come! After the Governor delivered his May Revision presentation on May 10th, more details were shared, and much discussion ensued.
We are grateful for our Governor’s commitment to education and are happy to see Expanded Learning funding protected!
“I want to see us preserve the progress we’ve made on Community Schools, Preschool, Afterschool, and Summer school for all. The work we’re doing is nation-leading in the education space.” -Gavin Newsom.
In the governor’s May Revision, we saw that he proposed a $288 billion spending plan with an updated projected shortfall of $27.6 billion, which dropped from the $37 billion he proposed in January’s proposal.
What is the May Revise?
The May Revision, also known as the May Revise, is an update to the governor’s proposed budget released in January. This revision reflects an updated economic and revenue outlook that affects us all. California state law states it must be released before or on May 14th.
This high-level summary indicates changes to the January proposal; it is not detailed and does not include all budget items.
May Revise Budget Impacts on Expanded Learning
The Governor’s May Revision Budget reflects his commitment to Expanded Learning Programs.
- Maintains $4 billion in ongoing funding for ELO-P (Expanded Learning Opportunities Program).
- Maintains existing reimbursement rates for ASES and 21st CCLC programs.
Details on departmental budgets under the May Revision can be found here. Details of the California Department of Education budget can be found here (pages 12 and 15 indicate the budget line items for Expanded Learning funding streams).
What are the next steps in our State Budget Process?
Our Legislature will continue to conduct budget hearings and develop a budget plan to ensure a budget bill passes before June 15. The Governor has until the end of June to sign or veto the budget bill.
Understanding Budget Trailer Bills
The Governor’s proposed budget in January typically requires changes to existing law in order to implement these budget changes. If changes are necessary, separate budget implementation bills or “trailer bills” are introduced in order to implement the change.
Here’s what you need to know about “trailer bills” at this point in the budget process.
- Trailer bills are organized by issue areas such as “K-12”, “higher education”, and “housing.”
- Trailer bills are heard concurrently with the Budget Bill and move through the Assembly and Senate budget committees.
- Trailer bills are NOT beholden to the June 15th Budget Act deadline or the regular budget committee deadlines.
- Trailer bills take effect immediately upon the Governor’s signature and typically only require a majority vote.
May Revise Budget Trailer Bill Impacts on Expanded Learning
The K-12 Omnibus (May Revision) (updated: 05/14/2024) Trailer Bill outlines proposed changes to ELO-P:
- Current Law: Funds received during the 2021-22 and 2022-23 fiscal years may be expended or encumbered by June 30, 2024. New: Encumbered funds need to be expended by September 30, 2024 or they will be returned to the state. (Corrected June 11)
- Commencing with the 2023-24 fiscal year, any funds appropriated must be expended by June 30 of the fiscal year following the fiscal year in which the appropriation is made. Any funds NOT expended by the school district or charter school by the end of this period shall be returned to the state.
- It is the intent of the Legislature starting in the 2025-26 fiscal year and annually thereafter, school districts and charter schools shall annually declare their operational intent to run an Expanded Learning Opportunities Program (ELO-P).
- To the extent possible, any available funds may be reallocated to Local Educational Agencies (LEAs) with an unduplicated pupil population (UPP) of less than 75%.
Additionally, it is now proposed that implementation of the Attendance Recovery proposal would be delayed to begin July 1, 2025. See more details on this proposal in our previous newsletter by clicking here.
Additional Resources to Support Your Learning & Work
- Learn who your California representatives are by clicking here.
- Learn who your members in U.S. Congress by clicking here.
- Learn more about how the California State Government works from CalMatters.
- Glossary of State Budget Terms by California Budget & Policy Center.
- Get familiar with more California and General Policy Resources on our website.
In This Newsletter:
Policy Updates and Conversation with Vallejo Expanded Learning & Lead by Learning
Fireside Chat: May 30, 2024
Join us for the 61st Fireside Chat!
In this chat, Heather Williams from the California AfterSchool Network is joined by Michael Funk, Director of the Expanded Learning Division of the California Department of Education (EXLD). They provide updates on the Governor’s recently released May Revision of the budget for FY 24-25, and chat with Vallejo Expanded Learning and one of their partners Lead by Learning to learn more about their culture of supporting adult learners and building high-quality programs. Guests include:
ELO-P Office Hours – Summer 2024
July & August
The California AfterSchool Network (CAN),
in partnership with the California Department of Education (CDE)
Expanded Learning Division (EXLD) and other members of the System
of Support for Expanded Learning,
co-hosted Summer ELO-P Office
Hours. Office Hours were held from 12:00 PM to 1:30 PM
on July 12, July 26, August 9, and August 23, 2024.
Legislative Updates
May 2024
August 31, 2024, is the last day for each house of the California Legislature to pass bills this legislative year, giving Governor Newsom until September 30, 2024, to sign or veto passed legislation. Two noteworthy bills could impact Expanded Learning Programs are outlined below.
Expanded Learning Opportunities Program (ELO-P) FAQs
Updated FAQs - May 2024
The Expanded Learning Division (EXLD) recently announced the ELO-P Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) have been revised.
Registration is Open for the 21st CCLC Summer Symposium
Wednesday, July 31 - Thursday, August 1, 2024
The U.S. Department of Education is pleased to announce that registration for the Nita M. Lowey 21st Century Community Learning Centers (21st CCLC) 2024 Summer Symposium is now open!
This year’s Symposium will be held on July 31 – August 1, 2024, at the San Francisco Marriott Marquis, 780 Mission Street, San Francisco, California 94103.
Leadership Opportunity for Students!
The State Board of Education is recruiting for its Student Member
The California State Board of Education is actively recruiting to find its Student Board Member for the 2025-26 school year. Do you want to represent the voice and perspectives of millions of students across California? Your input ensures that student concerns and interests are considered in educational policymaking and decisions made by the State Board of Education. If you or someone you know qualifies for the Student Member position and wishes to apply, please click here to access the application and for more details on how to apply. This is due this Friday, September 20th at 5pm.
For more information, access
their website.
Afterschool For All Challenge
June 10-11, 2024
We’re going to Washington, DC, for the 2024 Afterschool For All Challenge!
Next week, some of the CAN team will be on Capitol Hill (in Washington, D.C., where Congress meets) to advocate for afterschool opportunities for youth across the country!
FAFSA Resources for Students with Parents without a Social Security Number (SSN)
UPDATED (May 28, 2024) EdTrust Tool
Check out EdTrust’s newly updated (May 28, 2024) tool: How to Complete the FAFSA if Your Contributor Does Not Have an SSN!
See resources below:
CAN’s New Policy Framework
A Long-Term Vision to Guide Annual Priorities
We’re excited to share CAN’s Policy Framework!
CAN believes the Out-of-School-Time (OST) field, including Expanded Learning, plays an essential role in advancing the health and well-being of every child. To achieve this, CAN and our partners focus on fundamentally redesigning systems to expand access to high-quality programs, support and nurture our workforce, and strengthen and align resources for children, families, and communities. We advocate for policy changes that address the root causes of inequity and create a more just and equitable landscape for all children and youth.
Resource for Families
PCY and Innovate Family Resource
Partnership for Children and Youth and Innovate Public Schools created a resource to support families to access and engage with the Expanded Learning Opportunities Program.
Check Out CAN’s Other Newsletters!
Access the CAN newsletter archives to view past newsletters today! You may be interested in some of our other newsletters as well: