News & Events Archive


Registration is Now Live! ELO-P Planning Workshop
Wednesday, January 19, 2022; 9:00 AM -11:00 AM

Register for the ELO-P event!

Registration for the ELO-P Planning Workshop event is now live! 

The ELO Program Planning Workshop will provide the latest details on the Expanded Learning Opportunities (ELO) Program. The two hour workshop will consist of two 1 hour sessions, each with the majority of the time spent in an interactive breakout session. Feel free to join for just one or both of the sessions:

  • Session A: 9:00 – 10:00 AM
  • Session B: 10:00 – 11:00 AM

Access more event info.

Register today!

CAN Newsletter

CAN Newsletter – Happy New Year!
January 13, 2022

Scrabble pieces spelling out Happy New Year

Happy 2022! The California AfterSchool Network team would like to wish each and every one of you a happy and healthy new year! 

We are grateful for a new year and new opportunities, and we realize the year has started off quite bumpy with the COVID 19 Omicron variant and its impacts on California communities and across the nation. We are hopeful things will start to settle down and improve enough to allow schools and programs to effectively and appropriately support children, youth, and families in our CA communities.


Cycle A – ASES Renewal Application for FY 22-23
Due: January 6, 2022

This is a Reminder the Cycle A, ASES Renewal Program Plans are due January 6, 2022.

CA Department of Education LogoThe purpose of this message is to provide information about the After School Education and Safety (ASES) and ASES Frontier Transportation grant renewal process. The ASES grantees listed under renewal Cycle A will have the opportunity to apply for renewal for another three-year period, consistent with California Education Code (EC) Section 8483.7(a)(1)(A). There are two parts to this process: 


FAQ Update & Interview with Moreno Valley & Jurupa USD
Fireside Chat: December 10, 2021

FAQ Update & Interview with Moreno Valley & Jurupa USD

Join us for our 38th fireside chat. In this chat, Heather Williams from the California AfterSchool Network is joined by Michael Funk and Sterling Williams from the Expanded Learning Division of the California Department of Education and two LEA Leaders:

  • Lisa Broomfield, Director of Equity and Access, Moreno Valley USD
  • Kimberly Corbin, Director of Curriculum and Assessment, Jurupa USD

Michael provides a couple quick updates on the FAQ’s and Lisa and Kimberly discuss how their districts are planning to leverage their ELO-P funding.

STEAM Newsletter

STEAM Newsletter – Applying Engineering Mindsets through Math and Science
December 21, 2021

Two girls participating in a robotics experimentDecember is always a special time of year. It is a chance to reflect on all of the successes of the year and explore how we might be able to do more as we head into the new year.

With this in mind, Million Girls Moonshot is highlighting STEM learning with an engineering mindset this December! Utilizing this mindset allows us to explore the unknown while applying skills and knowledge we already have – like math and science. Activating an engineering mindset pulls directly from these skills and allows us to solve real-work and relevant challenges.


ELO-P Program Plan Guide is Here!
Fireside Chat: December 2, 2021

ELO-P Program Plan Guide is Here!

Join us for our 37th fireside chat. In this chat, Heather Williams from the California AfterSchool Network is joined by Michael Funk and Sterling Williams from the Expanded Learning Division of the California Department of Education. Heather, Sterling, and Michael walk through the just-released Expanded Learning Opportunities Program (ELO-P) Program Plan Guide.


ELO-P Updates & Interview with Akilah Byrd of Alameda COE
Fireside Chat: November 22, 2021

ELO-P Updates & Interview with Akilah Byrd of Alameda COE

Join us for our 36th fireside chat. In this chat, Heather Williams from the California AfterSchool Network is joined by Michael Funk from the Expanded Learning Division of the California Department of Education and Akilah Byrd, current Region 4 Director of Expanded Learning Programs out of the AlamedaCounty Office of Education and a former principal. Heather and Michael share some updates on the ELO-P funding and chat with Akilah about her experiences as a principal leveraging Expanded Learning at her school sites.

Access the funding details for Expanded Learning Opportunities Program including LEA Apportionment amounts:

Access the CDE ELO-P webpage: 

CAN Newsletter

CAN Newsletter – Happy Holidays!
December 8, 2021

Holiday tree with an ornament.

Welcome to the close of 2021! Wow, what a challenging, yet incredible year this has been. As we continue to navigate living and surviving a pandemic, EXL and OST practitioners continue to demonstrate how impactful Expanded Learning programs can be in the lives of children and youth.

CAN Newsletter

CAN Newsletter – It Takes a Village
November 10, 2021

Welcome to November and Native American Heritage Month! Did you know, California has always been home to the largest number of different Native people and their cultures? “Many tribal groups speak different languages, engage in varying traditions, in homelands established for thousands of years that extend beyond state boundaries,”

Health and Wellness Newsletter

CAN Health & Wellness Newsletter- It’s Time for a Safe Transition Back to School
October 27, 2021

Image if young child walking with hands on head and breathing.

Welcome to CAN’s Health & Wellness Newsletter! In the third installment of our revamped Newsletter, we will continue to share content surrounding the Whole Child Health and Wellness Vision as well as other approaches that prioritize the cumulative wellness of students in our Expanded Learning programs. As schools navigate the fall school year and new funding opportunities in California to support young people, operating safely is a priority, for all students and educators. 

E-mail blast

Let’s Talk About Universal Expanded Learning Programs
October 18, 2021

Opportunity Ahead

The ELO-P funding is an exciting opportunity – moving California closer to offering Universal Expanded Learning Programs! However, we know our field and the broader educational systems are faced with many challenges daily and it can be hard to navigate the waters of all that is happening! We wanted to provide a couple of quick resources to help support Expanded Learning programs as they work with their district partners. 


Follow Up Interview with Santa Ana USD re ELO-P
Fireside Chat: October 15, 2021

Follow Up Interview with Santa Ana USD re ELO-P

Join us for our 35th fireside chat. In this follow up chat, Heather Williams from the California AfterSchool Network is joined by Michael Funk from the Expanded Learning Division of the California Department of Education and Santa Ana Unified School District as they share about the new Expanded Learning Opportunities – Program (ELO-P) and how they are leveraging this exciting opportunity and funding to support students in their district in truly innovative and integrated ways.

SAUSD attendees include:

  • Diana Torres, Director of Elementary Education
  • David Richey, Executive Director of Support Services
  • Jennifer Cisneros, Director of Extended Learning

For more details on the SAUSD Planning Process check out Fireside Chat #34.


STEAM Newsletter – Celebrating Girls in STEM!
October 21, 2021

Scientist in lab

This October we are celebrating girls and women in STEAM! “Let’s reimagine who can be an engineer; who can build; who can make. Let’s reimagine the future,” is the mission of the Million Girls Moonshot (MGM). As we celebrate the women in this field, it’s a perfect opportunity to explore MGM’s four transformative practices: 


Opportunity to attend STEAM Symposium for FREE!
Deadline is October 14, 2021

Opportunity to attend STEAM Symposium for FREE!

The #CASTEAM Symposium is in a few weeks and we have exciting news to share! Thanks to a very generous STEAM benefactor, the CA STEAM Symposium is able to provide scholarships to participate in the 2021 virtual California STEAM Symposium! This will be a great Professional Development opportunity not only on some really great STEAM content but there will also be opportunities to learn more about the new Expanded Learning opportunities!