News & Events Archive

CAN Newsletter

CAN Newsletter – Planning for Summer
March 9, 2021

Children outside with a tarp playing a game

As we enter a full year of being in the pandemic, education as a whole has shifted in many ways to become a more equitable, accessible, and just place for our students. We are currently living in a major moment for our summer learning community. Education leaders across the spectrum from school districts, nonprofit programs, camps, and government agencies to policymakers across the U.S., all agree that this summer must be utilized to help young people learn, grow, and recover like never before.  


SB 86 Update & Summer Planning with Oxnard
Fireside Chat: February 19, 2021

SB 86 Update & Summer Planning with Oxnard

Join us for our 24th fireside chat. In this chat, Heather Williams from the California AfterSchool Network and Michael Funk from the Expanded Learning Division of the California Department of Education are joined by Ginger Shea and team from Oxnard Unified School District and their city partners. Michael shares out some brief but big policy updates on the budget and SB86 and the group chats about planning for Summer Learning this year in a COVID context. Below are a couple of resources to help you start planning for summer today:


Grant Extensions & Other Key Updates
Fireside Chat: February 8, 2021

Grant Extensions & Other Key Updates

Join us for our 23rd fireside chat. In this chat, Heather Williams from the California AfterSchool Network is joined by Michael Funk from the Expanded Learning Division of the California Department of Education to share breaking news on grant extensions and other budget and legislation updates that impact California’s Expanded Learning programs. Below are resources and opportunities outlined during the chat.

CAN Newsletter

CAN Newsletter – We <3 Afterschool!
February 11, 2021

We Love Afterschool, Boy & Girl Holding Hands

Each year in the month of February we celebrate our love for afterschool programs and the amazing staff that support these programs. We hope that you join us this month in sharing the love and celebrating all that is amazing about afterschool!


Statewide Survey: Impact & Role of CA’s Expanded Learning Programs 2020-21
Deadline: Friday, February 19, 2021

Your Voice Matters!

Informing State Policy & Priorities in Real-Time: Impact & Role of CA’s Publicly-Funded Expanded Learning Programs 2020-2021

The CDE Expanded Learning Division, in partnership with ASAPconnect, the California AfterSchool Network, and the Partnership for Children & Youth, is conducting an urgent statewide survey to collect data to inform policy decisions regarding future funding, program flexibility, and technical assistance. 

Due to the ongoing challenges of school closures and the pandemic, state and local policymakers are rapidly seeking to invest billions in resources for schools to mitigate learning loss including “expanded learning time,” learning hubs, and summer programming. 

It is essential that the experience and expertise of expanded learning programs that serve students and families directly inform the ongoing and shifting COVID-19 priorities and regulations about what students, schools, and communities need now and over the next year. 


Register Today for the 2021 California Afterschool & Summer Challenge!
March 8-9, 2021

Register Today

Registration is now open for the VIRTUAL 17th Annual CA Afterschool & Summer Challenge taking place March 8-9, 2021!  

While we will not be meeting in Sacramento, you still have the opportunity to stand with hundreds of students, families, and afterschool providers to demand adequate support for our programs and communities. 

Legislators need to hear from you! As a participant, you will be in a small team and will still have the opportunity to meet with your elected officials and staff to share important role that afterschool has played in the lives of your students, families, and communities this past year.

Register by February 19


A Hub of Community Resilience: California’s Expanded Learning Programs Respond to Crisis
A State of the State Brief: December 2020

Publication Cover

This State of the State Brief provides a high-level overview of the public investment in the Expanded Learning Infrastructure in California and how that system has been leveraged to respond to crises in the state, in particular the COVID-19 pandemic. Expanded Learning programs are a critical partner to help California respond to crises and ultimately build back stronger.  Pandemic or not, Expanded Learning programs need equitable and sustainable funding to ensure the economic success of young people and their futures, as well as the progress of California. An investment in Expanded Learning is an investment in our youth, our families, and our communities. 

CAN Newsletter

CAN Newsletter – 2021: Challenge and Opportunity
January 13, 2021

“You can cut all the flowers, but you cannot keep spring from coming.”  - Pablo Neruda

It’s time to envision and create the world our children, families, and communities deserve. 

It seems that each day is a new reminder of stark inequities in our social systems. The very ideal that every person is entitled to life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness is far from a reality. The systems designed to support this ideal have long been rooted in white supremacy, racial injustice, economic inequity, and systemic oppression. Last week’s insurrection at the Nation’s Capital only serves to punctuate the systemic challenges we face. Our history has led us to this moment, and this moment is an opportunity.


Join the CAN Leadership Team!
Deadline Extended: Friday, February 19, 2021

CAN is Seeking New Leaders!

The California AfterSchool Network Leadership Team is a geographically, professionally, and culturally diverse group of out-of-school time stakeholders charting the course for CAN. As the primary governing body of CAN, the Leadership Team guides all aspects of CAN’s work including its strategy, procurement and use of resources, Leadership Team and Field Committee operations, as well as Executive Director support. 


New Household Survey: California Is a ‘Top 10 State for Afterschool, ’ Even as Unmet Demand for Programs Increases
December 8, 2020

California After 3PM

Student participation that exceeds the national average and overwhelming parent satisfaction with afterschool programs make California a “Top 10 State for Afterschool,” according to a household survey commissioned by the Afterschool Alliance and released today. Nevertheless, unmet demand for programs – the percentage of California parents who say they would enroll their child in an afterschool program if one were available to them – is high, especially among low-income families, who report cost as a significant barrier.


No Longer Optional: Expanded Learning in School Reopening
Why and How Expanded Learning Partnerships are Essential to Achieving Equity in School Reopening and Recovery

No Longer Optional Brief Cover

Reopening schools in this chaotic environment in ways that center equity will unquestionably require an all-hands-on-deck approach. The massive task schools have in front of them is far beyond the capacity and resources they have at their disposal, and the systems of support they typically rely on are just as strained.


Meet Mizzen by Mott

As champions for children, you’re doing everything you can during this time to keep youth safe and continue to serve them. We also know you’re doing all you can to support your staff. You have risen to the challenge in every way. 

In support of your efforts, we have a new resource to share with you.

Mizzen by Mott is a new app built with and for afterschool professionals to provide high-quality, engaging learning content to the afterschool field.


COVID-19 Guidance from CDE Expanded Learning Division
As of March 1, 2021

Logo: California Department of Education

Recent guidance from the California Department of Education Expanded Learning Division (EXLD) has

  • ensured grants remain intact,
  • programs will receive attendance relief for closures related to COVID-19,
  • grant reductions have been suspended, and
  • hourly employees and classified staff can continue to be paid.  

More specific details are outlined in the below links: 

The Expanded Learning Division continues to work on providing additional guidance related to expanded learning program grants. If you have any questions, please contact