Expanded Learning Database


Expanded Learning Database

The database is currently under construction.

When live, you will have access to Expanded Learning funding amounts and the estimated number of students served at a school site, school district, region, county, and state levels, as well as by CA and Federal Legislative District. Initially this will only include ASES and 21st CCLC Funding. ELO-P funding will eventually be added. For more information contact Leslye Lugo: llugo@afterschoolnetwork.org


Interactive Maps: Expanded Learning Programs in CA

Screenshot of Interactive GIS Map

In early 2019, California AfterSchool Network (CAN) partnered with the UC Davis Center for Regional Change (CRC) to leverage CAN’s existing database of Expanded Learning Programs in California with ESRI products to create a visual representation of data visualization, using a variety of publicly available data sources and GIS mapping technology. This work was informed by feedback from CAN’s Field Advisory Group.

Please note the data in the map is from 2019-2020. Contact Leslye if you have questions about the Map.