A Field Guide for Creating Integrated, School-Based Systems of Care
CAN is a proud contributor to WestEd’s newly released guide - Supporting California’s Children Through a Whole Child Approach: A Field Guide for Creating Integrated, School-Based Systems of Care.
This field guide is a first step by a collaborative of California child-serving education, health, and social service experts and leaders to further California’s current efforts toward one effective, integrated, comprehensive, school-based child-serving system. The guide includes guidance for both local education agencies (LEAs) and state leaders, with details and implementation guidance on a wide variety of cross-sector initiatives to support the whole child.
Join “Healthy at Home” and Support Whole Child Health
Family engagement is an important component of Whole Child Health. As an afterschool and expanded learning professional, you serve as an important bridge between families and evidence-based resources.
Physical Activity Articles and Program Resources from Extended Notes
Inspiring our students with fun physical education activities, promoting healthy eating habits, and choosing activities and games that help develop kids’ social-emotional skills will create active healthy youth! Extended Notes has lots of tips and recommendations for incorporating healthy physical activity and education into any after school program, from simple activities that get all the wiggles out to
Recommendations for Healthy Beverage Consumption in Early Childhood
Healthy beverage intake is critical in early childhood as beverages can make a significant contribution to dietary intake during this period and serve as important sources of essential nutrients. However, many beverages also contain added sugars and saturated fats, which can be harmful when consumed in excess. Overconsumption of unhealthy beverages in early childhood can contribute to risk of diet-related chronic diseases, such as obesity, type 2 diabetes, or dental caries.
Stress Health Blog for Parents and Caregivers
The Center for Youth Wellness’s Stress Health blog features engaging, science-based tips about how to deal with adverse childhood experience and parenting that can help protect children against the effects of toxic stress and build resilience.
Developing the Whole Teacher to Educate the Whole Child
The Center for Reaching & Teaching the Whole Child (CRTWC)’s report, Developing the Whole Teacher to Educate the Whole Child, documents the impact of a yearlong intervention to facilitate change within five teacher preparation programs.
New USDA Resource: FoodData Central
A new resource has been made available from the Agricultural Resource Services and hosted by the National Agricultural Library of the USDA. FoodData Central provides a nutrient profile data which includes the benefit and purpose of the food!
Along with a nutrient profile, FoodData also provides research on agricultural and experimental of different nutrients. Use FoodData today to find about the nutrients found in your favorite foods and other products!
National School Boards Association Launches the Center for Safe Schools
The National School Boards Association (NSBA) is proud to launch the Center for Safe Schools (CSS), a new initiative that provides critical resources to help education leaders, administrators and the public enhance student and school safety.
The Healthy Schools Toolkit
The Healthy Schools Toolkit is designed to help school districts and leaders strategize to build healthier school communities.
Start Simple with MyPlate
Kick start your school year by eating healthy - make it simple with MyPlate! MyPlate makes it easy to get tips, ideas and a personalized plan to meet your food group targets. Find what works for you and your family with food preferences, health goals, and budget. Start your healthy eating journey today!
Healthy Out-of-School Time Roadmaps
Alliance for a Healthier Generation provides downloadable Healthy Out-of-School Time Roadmaps to explore the implementation of Healthy Eating and Physical Activity standards to create a healthier out-of-school time environment for kids. All roadmaps are aligned to the recently-refreshed National AfterSchool Association Standards for Healthy Eating and Physical Activity and include tips to take actio
Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
The CDC created a Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans, that promotes scientifically proven strategies to increase physical activity through state and community-based programs. Building active communities can help support local economies, result in less air pollution, and create more cohesive communities.
OST Fosters Positive Environment for Children’s Health
Active and engaged learning benefits can happen beyond the regular school day. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Out-of-School Time (OST) enhances children’s well-being and academic achievement by providing an additional safe and nurturing environment for children to learn and play. Visit the Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child (WSCC) model to learn more.
Let’s Move California After School
Resources to raise a healthier generation of kids.
This initiative was launched by the California AfterSchool Network Nutrition and Physical Activity Committee and is inspired by and linked to Michelle Obama’s Let’s Move initiative to raise a healthier generation of kids.
Afterschool Programs Promoting Healthy Eating and Physical Activity
A Report from: America After 3PM
America After 3PM has recently released a special report titled: “Kids on the Move: Afterschool Programs Promoting Healthy Eating and Physical Activity.” This report focuses on the role that after school programs play to support the health and wellness of students. The findings are based on survey responses from parents from over 30,000 households nationwide.
To download the full report, click here
USDA Nutrition Education Kit
The U.S. Department of Agriculture has recently announced the release of their “Grow It, Try It, Like It” Nutrition Education Kit for Child and Adult Care Food Program providers to use to educate kids on healthy nutritional habits through interactive activities. With seven booklets filled with hands-on lesson plans about fruits and vegetables, this kit incorporates MyPlate and can be used by program providers as well as families to introduce children to nutrition education.
Register Your School Now for the JUST RUN Program!
Schools and youth organizations nationwide are invited to register for the JUST RUN program for the 2014-15 school year. This free, web-based fitness program helps educators combat childhood obesity by offering strategies and incentives for advocating for healthy fitness, nutritional, and lifestyle habits for children. Utilized by over 11,000 students this program has many features including clinics, marathons, an anti-drug program, and nutritional education. Not only is the JUST RUN program easy to implement, but it also can be used at before, after, and during school programs.
California Adolescent Nutrition & Fitness (CANFit) Program
CANfit Engages communities and builds their capacity to improve the nutrition and physical activity status of California’s low income African-American, American Indian, Latino, Asian-American, and Pacific Islander youth 10-14 years old.
CA Public Health Advocacy Organization
The California Center for Public Health Advocacy (CCPHA) is a nonpartisan nonprofit organization that raises awareness about critical public health issues and mobilizes communities to promote the establishment of effective state and local health policies. CCPHA was established in 1999 by California’s two public health associations – SCPHA and CPHA-N. Click here for CCPHA’s 2009 Annual Report.
SPARK (Sports, Physical Activity and Recreation for Kids)
SPARK PE is a Physical Education Program for K-6th grade (minimal cost)